javascript - 使用 Javascript/AngularJS 将数组中的元素移动到开头

标签 javascript arrays angularjs filter

我正在开发一个 AngularJS 过滤器来选择电影,并且一直在寻找使用多个搜索词的方法。如果影片还没有被过滤器捕获,它就会到达数组的顶部。最终,我想按点击次数对数组进行排序,但与此同时,我只想对其进行设置,以便如果电影已在搜索结果数组中,则它会移至数组的顶部以便可以看到第一的。任何帮助将不胜感激!

// New module:

var app = angular.module('movieFinder', []);

// Search function:

app.filter('searchFor', function() {

  return function(arr, searchString) {

    // Show all movies until search begins

    if(!searchString) {
        return arr;

    var result = [];

    // Search for each word. Change to lowercase. Remove any punctuation. Split into array.

    searchArray = searchString.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w\s]|_/g, "").split(" ");

  // Work through each word.

  for (i = 0; i < searchArray.length; i++) {

    // Work through each movie.

    angular.forEach(arr, function(movie) {

      if((movie.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchArray[i]) !== -1) || 
        (movie.description.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchArray[i]) !== -1) || 
        (movie.director.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchArray[i]) !== -1) || 
        ([i]) !== -1) || 
        (movie.year.toString().indexOf(searchArray[i]) !== -1) || 
        (movie.genre.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchArray[i]) !== -1) || 
        (movie.keywords.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchArray[i]) !== -1)) {

          // If the movie is not listed...

          if (result.indexOf(movie) === -1) {

            // Insert at top of array




    return result;



// The controller

function MovieFinderController($scope){

  // The data model

  $scope.movies = [

      title: 'The Beat That My Heart Skipped',
      description: 'Will Thomas still lead a life of crime and cruelty, just like his thuggish father, or will he pursue his dream of becoming a pianist?',
      director: 'Jacques Audiard',
      country: 'France',
      year: 2005,
      genre: 'Noir Thriller',
      cover: 'images/thebeatthatmyheartskipped.jpg',
      keywords: 'piano, gangster, broody, thug'
      title: 'Chungking Express',
      description: 'Two melancholy Hong Kong policemen fall in love: one with a mysterious female underworld figure, the other with a beautiful and ethereal server at a late-night restaurant he frequents.',
      director: 'Wong Kar Wai',
      country: 'Hong Kong',
      year: 1994,
      genre: 'Romantic Comedy',
      cover: 'images/chungkingexpress.jpg',
      keywords: 'fast food, cops, music, wigs, dancing, Chinese food, heartache, eating'




Array.prototype.unshift.apply(<your array>, <movies to be added at beginning>);

关于javascript - 使用 Javascript/AngularJS 将数组中的元素移动到开头,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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