c++ - 从火柴棒制作数字的算法

标签 c++ algorithm recursion puzzle

我编写了一个程序来解决this problem来自 ACM。

Matchsticks are ideal tools to represent numbers. A common way to represent the ten decimal digits with matchsticks is the following:

This is identical to how numbers are displayed on an ordinary alarm clock. With a given number of matchsticks you can generate a wide range of numbers. We are wondering what the smallest and largest numbers are that can be created by using all your matchsticks.


On the first line one positive number: the number of testcases, at most 100. After that per testcase:

One line with an integer n (2 ≤ n ≤ 100): the number of matchsticks you have. Output

Per testcase:

One line with the smallest and largest numbers you can create, separated by a single space. Both numbers should be positive and contain no leading zeroes. Sample Input

4 3 6 7 15 Sample Output

7 7 6 111 8 711 108 7111111

问题是解决 100 根火柴棒的速度太慢了。搜索树太大,无法对其进行暴力破解。

前 10 个结果如下:

2: 1 1

3: 7 7

4:4 11

5: 2 71

6: 6 111

7: 8 711

8: 10 1111

9: 18 7111

10: 22 11111


    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;

    #define MAX 20 //should be 100

    //match[i] contains number of matches needed to form i
    int match[] = {6, 2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 6, 3, 7, 6};
    string mi[MAX+1], ma[MAX+1];
    char curr[MAX+1] = "";

    //compare numbers saved as strings
    int mycmp(string s1, string s2)
        int n = (int)s1.length();
        int m = (int)s2.length();
        if (n != m)
            return n - m;
            return s1.compare(s2);

    //i is the current digit, used are the number of matchsticks so far
    void fill(int i, int used)
        //check for smaller and bigger values
        if (mycmp(curr, mi[used]) < 0) mi[used] = curr;
        if (mycmp(curr, ma[used]) > 0) ma[used] = curr;

        //recurse further, don't start numbers with a zero
        for (int a = i ? '0' : '1'; a <= '9'; a++) {
            int next = used + match[a-'0'];
            if (next <= MAX) {
                curr[i] = a;
                curr[i+1] = '\0';
                fill(i + 1, next);

    int main()
        for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; i++) {
            mi[i] = string(MAX, '9');
            ma[i] = "0";

        //precalculate the values
        fill(0, 0);

        int n;
        cin >> n;

        //print those that were asked
        while (n--) {
            int num;
            cin >> num;
            cout << mi[num] << " " << ma[num] << endl;

        return 0;

编辑:我最终使用了动态规划解决方案。我之前用 dp 试过,但我在摆弄一个二维状态数组。这里的解决方案要好得多。谢谢!



假设你有 n 个匹配项,并且你知道如何解决所有 n-k 匹配项的问题(最小数量),其中 k 取对应的所有值到每个数字使用的匹配数(2 代表 1,5 代表 3,等等)

然后递归地导出解决方案。假设您的数字以 1 结尾(在最低位),那么最好的解决方案是编写 (best solution with n-2 matches) 1。假设你以 2 结尾,最好的解决方案是 (best solution with n-5 matches) 2。等等 ;最终你可以比较这十个数字,然后选出最好的一个。

所以现在,您所要做的就是递归地为所有小于您的输入的 n 设计最佳解决方案。

编辑:如果您以直接的方式实现此算法,您最终会得到指数级的复杂度。这里的技巧是要注意,如果您的核心函数 MinimumGivenNMatches 只接受一个参数,n。因此,您最终会多次使用相同的值调用它。

要使复杂度呈线性,您只需使用辅助数组记住(即记住)每个 n 的解决方案。

关于c++ - 从火柴棒制作数字的算法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6776304/


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