javascript - 如何使用 Javascript 有效地确定 HTML 文档中同级元素的相对顺序

标签 javascript html performance dom

简单地说,我需要确定两个兄弟元素中哪一个在 DOM 顺序中排在第一位,但它们可能不是直接相邻的兄弟元素。我当前用于执行此操作的代码如下所示:

 * Determine if an element comes before or after another element.
 * This requires both elements to be siblings.
 * @param {Element} el1 - The element to use as a reference.
 * @param {Element} el2 - The element to look for.
 * @returns {?boolean} True if el2 comes before el1, false if el1 comes before el2, undefined otherwise.
function isBefore(el1, el2) {
    let tmp = el1

    while (tmp.previousElementSibling) {
        if (tmp.previousElementSibling === el2) {
            return true

        tmp = tmp.previousElementSibling

    tmp = el1.nextElementSibling

    while (tmp.nextElementSibling) {
        if (tmp.nextElementSibling === el2) {
            return false

        tmp = tmp.nextElementSibling

    return undefined

我想知道是否有一些更有效的方法可以在普通 JavaScript 中执行此检查。


您可以使用 contains(...) 来执行此操作当你的 sibling 用完时就升一级,这是一个例子:

function isBefore(el1, el2) {
    if (el1.contains(el2) || el2.contains(el1)) {
        return undefined; // not before or after, it's a parent child relationship.

    let tmp = el1.previousElementSibling || el1.parentElement

    while (tmp) {
        if (tmp === el2 || tmp.contains(el2)) {
            return true
        tmp = tmp.previousElementSibling || tmp.parentElement;

    return false; // if it is not before, it must be after.

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