c# - 在 JavaScript 中获取控制权

标签 c# asp.net javascript visual-studio validation

我有几个仅包含日期的文本框。如果一个文本框有日期,并且用户尝试提交而不在另一日期文本框中输入日期,则他们将在提交之前停止。我想要执行此操作的方法是使用以下 javascript 函数:

function ClientValidate(sender, args) {
       // Get Both form fields
       var txtdate1 = document.getElementById('<%=txtdate1.ClientID%>');
       var txtdate2 = document.getElementById('<%=txtdate2.ClientID %>');

    // do you client side check to make sure they have something
       if (txtdate1.value != '' && txtdate2.value == '') {

        args.IsValid = false;
        args.IsValid = true;
    if (txtdate2.value != '' && txtdate1.value == '') {

        args.IsValid = false;

    else {
        args.IsValid = true;


Dim bttndate1 As New ImageButton
    bttndate1.ID = "bttndate1"

    Dim txtdate1 As New TextBox
    txtdate1.ID = "txtdate1"
    txtdate1.Width = 65

    Dim calex1 As New AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarExtender
    calex1.TargetControlID = "txtdate1"
    calex1.Format = "MM/dd/yyyy"
    calex1.PopupButtonID = "bttndate1"

    '**************** date box2 ***************

    Dim bttndate2 As New ImageButton
    bttndate2.ID = "bttndate2"
    bttndate2.Style.Add("cursor", "pointer")

    Dim txtdate2 As New TextBox
    txtdate2.ID = "txtdate2"
    txtdate2.Width = 65

    Dim calex2 As New AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarExtender
    calex2.TargetControlID = "txtdate2"
    calex2.Format = "MM/dd/yyyy"
    calex2.PopupButtonID = "bttndate2"


    Dim custval As New CustomValidator
    custval.ID = "ValidPage"
    custval.ClientValidationFunction = "ClientValidate"
    custval.ErrorMessage = "You Must Enter a 'From' Date and a 'To' Date"
    custval.ErrorMessage = "You Must Select a Vendor"
    custval.SetFocusOnError = True
    custval.ControlToValidate = "txtdate1"
    custval.EnableClientScript = True

我的问题是 JavaScript 找不到这两个文本框,因为我在代码中创建了它们 有什么想法吗?


我是 ClientScriptManager 的反对者。上面的解决方案可能会起作用,但另一种方法是在 ClientValidate() 方法之外在 JavaScript 中声明几个变量。

var textdate1;
var textdate2;

在页面中的某个位置放置一个文字(只要它具有 runat="server"属性,您就可以将其放置在任何地方)。

<asp:Literal ID="litJSVars" runat="server" />


this.litJSVars.Text = "textdate1 = document.getElementById('" + txtdate1.ClientID + "');\\n";
this.litJSVars.Text += "textdate2 = document.getElementById('" + txtdate2.ClientID + "');";


关于c# - 在 JavaScript 中获取控制权,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1263185/


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