c# - 选中 CheckBox 时如何添加整数值?

标签 c# asp.net

我希望在选中复选框时将值添加到整数 (int priceTotal)。该练习用于在网络表单中订购披萨。我希望能够根据选择的尺寸和浇头添加到总价中。

int priceTotal = 0;

if (smallPizzaCheck.Checked) 
    priceTotal + 10;
else if (mediumPizzaCheck.Checked) 
    priceTotal + 13;

//Et cetera, et cetera

orderTotal.Text = Convert.ToString(priceTotal);


int priceTotal = 0;

  if (smallPizzaCheck.Checked) 
  priceTotal = priceTotal + 10;

 else if (mediumPizzaCheck.Checked) 
 priceTotal = priceTotal + 13;

 //Et cetera, et cetera

 orderTotal.Text = Convert.ToString(priceTotal);

Just try this....whenever check box checked...the price total added..again and again... so you can sum into (priceTotal value) and display into textbox name("orderTotal.Text")

关于c# - 选中 CheckBox 时如何添加整数值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58003896/


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