java - 泛型类实例的三种声明之间的区别

标签 java arrays generics

Gen <Integer> iOb = new Gen <> (50, n);    //Works good

Gen <Integer> gens[] = new Gen <> [10];    //Error

Gen <?> gen[] = new Gen <?> [10];          //Alternative way for the second form





JLS, Section 15.10 ,涵盖数组创建:

It is a compile-time error if the ClassOrInterfaceType does not denote a reifiable type (§4.7).

Section 4.7定义一个可具体化的类型:

A type is reifiable if and only if one of the following holds:

  • It refers to a non-generic class or interface type declaration.

  • It is a parameterized type in which all type arguments are unbounded wildcards (§4.5.1).

  • It is a raw type (§4.8).

  • It is a primitive type (§4.2).

  • It is an array type (§10.1) whose element type is reifiable.

  • It is a nested type where, for each type T separated by a ".", T itself is reifiable.



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