java - 将根元素添加到 xml 字符串并解析 java 中的数据

标签 java xml xml-parsing xmldocument

我想将根元素添加到我的 xml 字符串中,然后解析数据。

我的 xml 字符串格式不正确,在解析时会引发异常,因此我想将根元素添加到我的 xml 字符串中,然后将其发送到 Document doc = dBuilder.parse( iSource ); 用于解析。那么有人可以建议我如何去做吗?


org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.
    at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)
    at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Unknown Source)

xml 字符串:

System.out.println(StdOut );


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <transaction id="1">
      <errortext>There are no Integration Services </errortext>


public String parseStatusXML( String StdOut )
        String stdOutResult = null;            

            DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();          

            InputSource iSource = new InputSource();
            iSource.setCharacterStream( new StringReader( StdOut ) );

            Document doc = dBuilder.parse( iSource );

            NodeList subClassNode = doc.getElementsByTagName( "subclass" );
            Element element = (Element) subClassNode.item( 0 );

            if ( getCharacterDataFromElement( element ).equalsIgnoreCase( "ERROR" ) )

                System.out.println( " getCharacterDataFromElement( element ) : "
                                + getCharacterDataFromElement( element ) );
                NodeList dataNode = doc.getElementsByTagName( "data" );
                for ( int i = 0; i < dataNode.getLength(); i++ )
                    Element dataElement = (Element) dataNode.item( i );

                    NodeList errorCodeNode = dataElement.getElementsByTagName( "errorcode" );
                    Element errorCodeElement = (Element) errorCodeNode.item( 0 );

                    NodeList errorTextNode = dataElement.getElementsByTagName( "errortext" );
                    Element errorTextElement = (Element) errorTextNode.item( 0 );

                    NodeList errorDetailNode = dataElement.getElementsByTagName( "errordetail" );
                    Element errorDetailElement = (Element) errorDetailNode.item( 0 );

                    // passing ERROR flag
                    stdOutResult = getCharacterDataFromElement( element );


            else if ( getCharacterDataFromElement( element ).equalsIgnoreCase( "OK" ) )
                stdOutResult = getCharacterDataFromElement( element );


        catch ( Exception e )
        return stdOutResult;


public static String getCharacterDataFromElement( Element e )
        Node child = e.getFirstChild();
        if ( child instanceof CharacterData )
            CharacterData cd = (CharacterData) child;
            return cd.getData();
        return "?";



冒着发布更“hacky”解决方案的风险,我建议使用字符串操作(快速而肮脏,但有效)来添加根标签。因此,本质上,将文件作为字符串读取,找到要在其之前插入根标记的起始标记,使用“替换”插入根标记,然后将字符串连接在一起(当然还有结束标记) 。例如:

    // Open up the file
    File file = new File(filePath);

    // Read it in as a string
    String fileToString = FileUtils.readFileToString(file);

    // Find the location of the first "<dataset"
    int locOfFirstTransaction = fileToString.indexOf("<transaction");

    // Get the first "section" and concatenate the root tag to it
    String firstPart = fileToString.substring(0, locOfFirstTransaction);
    firstPart = firstPart.concat("\n\t<rootTag>\n\t"); 

    // Define the remaining part of the string and concatenate the firstPart to it
    String lastPart = fileToString.substring(locOfFirstTransaction, fileToString.length());
    fileToString = firstPart.concat(lastPart);

    // Replace the closing tag for rootTag
    fileToString = fileToString.replace("</transaction", "\t</rootTag>\n</currentscreen");

    // Finally, write this out to a new file
    File resultFile = new File(newFilePath);
    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(resultFile);

这应该插入到根标签中。有很多更好的方法,特别是使用 DocumentBuilder 进行解析,但这会让您在紧要关头继续前进。希望这有帮助!

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