java - 如何更新和打印我的 "estimatedCost"Double? Java新手

标签 java eclipse

//Import scanner
import java.util.Scanner;

public class PrintCostCalculator{

public static void main(String[] args)
    //Define variables
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    final double text = 5000; //Text dots per page
    final double image = 10000; //Image dots per page
    final double cText = 15000; //Compressed text dots per page
    final double statement = 7000; //Statement dots per page
    final double color = (5e-5); //Color ink cost per dots
    final double black = (1e-5); //Black ink cost per dots
    Double estimatedCost = 0.0;

    //Pages to print
    System.out.printf("--- Price Estimator Program ---%nEnter Number of Pages (digits only):  ");
    int pagestoPrint = keyboard.nextInt();

    //Print Type
    System.out.printf("%n---- Select a Print Type ----%nEnter T or t for Text%nEnter I or i for Image%nEnter C or c for Compressed Text%nEnter S or s for statement%n---------------------------%nEnter Print Type:  ");
    String pType =; //pType is print type variable holder
    char PrintType = pType.charAt(0);

    //Print Color
    System.out.printf("%n--- Select a Print Color ---%nEnter 0 for Grayscale%nEnter 1 for Color%n-----------------------------%nEnter Print Color:  ");
    int printColor = keyboard.nextInt();
    System.out.printf("-----------------------------%nIs there a sale (y/n): ");
    String sType =; //sType is the sale type variable holder
    String lower =sType.toLowerCase();
    char saleType = sType.charAt(0);

    //Calculation for color printing
        if (printColor == 1 && lower == "t") {
                 estimatedCost = pagestoPrint * text / color;
            } else { 
                if (printColor == 1 && lower == "i") {
                     estimatedCost = pagestoPrint * image / color;
                } else {
                    if  (printColor == 1 && lower == "c") {
                         estimatedCost = pagestoPrint * cText / color;
                    } else {
                        if (printColor == 1 && lower == "s") {
                             estimatedCost = pagestoPrint * statement / color;
                    //  } else {
                        //  System.out.println("oops");

    //Calculation for black printing
                    if (printColor == 0 && lower == "t") {
                                 estimatedCost = pagestoPrint * text / black;
                        } else { 
                            if (printColor == 0 && lower == "i") {
                                 estimatedCost = pagestoPrint * image / black;
                        } else {
                            if  (printColor == 0 && lower == "c") {
                                 estimatedCost = pagestoPrint * cText / black;
                            } else {
                                if (printColor == 0 && lower == "s") {
                                     estimatedCost = pagestoPrint * statement / black;
                            //  } else { 
                                //  System.out.println("oops2");

    //EstimatedCost variable change

    //Cost Estimate
    System.out.printf("%n--- Cost Estimate ---%nInk Usage Per Page: ");
    System.out.print( estimatedCost );

我的双倍预估费用不会更新。我的 if else 语句是造成这种情况的原因吗?我一直在寻找,但找不到这段代码有什么问题。我在哪里可以学习如何更好地排除代码故障?有什么建议吗?


Are my if else statements the reason for this?

是的,您的 if 语句写得不好,因为您使用 == 来比较字符串。应使用 equals 方法比较字符串。


lower == "i"



注意:对文字进行反向检查可避免在 lower 为 null 的情况下发生 NPE

如上所述更新您的 if 条件并尝试运行您的程序。

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