javascript - 如何从剑道网格中获取选中的行?

标签 javascript jquery html checkbox kendo-grid


 var SeparatedEmployeeList = $("#SeparatedEmployeeList").kendoGrid({
             dataSource: DataSourceSeparatedEmployeeList,
             pageable: true,
             editable: true,
             selectable: "row",
             navigatable: true,
             filterable: true,
             sortable: true,
             groupable: true,
             height: '200PX',

             scrollable: true,
             columns: [
               { field: "SLNO", title: "SL.", filterable: false, sortable: false, width: "30px" },
               { field: "EMP_CODE", title: "Code", filterable: false, width: "70px" },
               { field: "EMP_NAME", title: "Name", filterable: true, width: "100px" },
               { field: "DIVI_NAME", title: "Division", width: "70px" },
               { field: "EMP_DESIG_NAME", title: "Designation", width: "75px" },
               { field: "JOINING_DATE", title: "Join Date", width: "60px" },
               { field: "TRMN_TYPE", title: "Separation Type", width: "85px" },
               { field: "TRMN_EFCT_DATE", title: "Effect Date", width: "60px" },
               { field: "LAST_SAL_PROS_MON", title: "Last Salary Proc. Month", width: "110px" },
               { field: "TRMN_REM", title: "Remarks", width: "60px" },
               { field: "Date", title: "Date", width: "65px" },
               { field: "check_row", title: "Submit", width: 60, onClick: test, template: "<input class='check_row' OnCheckedChanged='test' type='checkbox' />" }




{ title: "Submit", width: 60, template: "<input class='check_row nsa-checkbox' type='checkbox' />" }

现在,使用 jQuery 委托(delegate),我将像 NSA 一样捕获 DIV 网格下每个控件上的所有“更改”事件,并具有 css 类“nsa-checkbox”:

$('#SeparatedEmployeeList').on('change', '.nsa-checkbox', function(e){
    // "this" is your checkbox
    var myCheckbox = $(this);

    // To get the item, you must access the data-uid attribute in the row that wraps the checkbox.    
    var myDataItem = DataSourceSeparatedEmployeeList.getByUid(myCheckbox.closest('tr').attr('data-uid'));

    // Have fun

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