javascript - Angular 2 中推荐的服务架构

标签 javascript typescript angular

目前,我将所有服务都放在一个服务目录中,并且多个组件依赖于它们,并且一个服务依赖于另一服务等等。服务和组件的依赖关系图看起来很疯狂。因此,在某些情况下,当尝试将一项服务注入(inject)另一项服务时,我会收到 DI 错误。以下是我的一种情况的示例:

import {stuff} from 'stuffs';

export class ApiService
    getData(): Observable<string>{
        return this.http.get(url).map(v => v.json());

export class SomeService
    constructor(private apiService: ApiService){


export class SomeComponent
    constructor(private apiService: ApiService,
        private someService: SomeService){




Angular 2 网站上有一个样式指南:!#application-structure

Do be descriptive with file names and keep the contents of the file to exactly one component.

Avoid files with multiple components, multiple services, or a mixture.

Why? We spend less time hunting and pecking for code, and become more efficient. If this means we want longer file names, then so be it.


There are deviations of the 1 per file rule when we have a set of very small features that are all related to each other, as they are still easily identifiable.



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