javascript - 这个 JSON 字符串有什么问题?

标签 javascript jquery json

我的 JSON 字符串如下所示,

[{"id" : "38","heading" : "Can you also figure out how to get me back the 10 hours I
sp.....","description" : "Im having a very similar problem with the Login control - again it always generates a default style containing border-collapse - only in this case .....","img_url" : "~/EventImages/EventImages1274014884460.jpg","catogory" : "News","doe" : "15-05-2010 "},

{"id" : "40","heading" : "How to remove the border of each row (from the gridview cont.....","description" : "How to remove the border of each row (from the gridview control). ? I set borderWidth to 0, and the borders are not displayed with IE, but the top a.....","img_url" : "~/EventImages/EventImages1274028613023.jpg","catogory" : "News","doe" : "15-05-2010 "},

{"id" : "41","heading" : "Realmac Software | How to fix FancyZoom popup? (pops up behi.....","description" : "The first thing we need is an options dialog, not only to make it easier for the user, but also because later we will want to launch this dialog from .....","img_url" : "~/EventImages/EventImages1274037688120.jpg","catogory" : "News","doe" : "15-05-2010 "},

{"id" : "42","heading" : "hi jacon
dsadddaddddddddddddddd","description" : "hi jacon
This is a little messy because the clientHeight/Width properties can mean different things in different browsers, and even different thi.....","img_url" : "~/EventImages/EventImages1274041211533.jpg","catogory" : "News","doe" : "15-05-2010 "}





 var newjson = cfreturn( """" & ToString( HfJsonValue ).ReplaceAll( "(['""\\\/\n\r\t]{1})", "\\$1" ) & """" ) ;
 var jsonObj = eval('(' + newjson + ')');

错误:参数列表后缺少 )


var newjson = cfreturn( """" & ToString( HfJsonValue ).ReplaceAll( "(['""\\\/\n\r\t]{1})", "\\$1" ) & """" ); 


JSON 字符串中有一个 ' 标记导致问题...任何建议


玩弄 JSONLint 后,我发现以下两个问题:

  1. 换行符需要使用 \\n 进行转义。
  2. 您缺少终端]

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