javascript - 如何从 json 填充 footable

标签 javascript html json footable


              <table class="table toggle-circle" id="exampleRowToggler">
                    <th data-field="marca">Marca</th>
                        <th data-field="modelo">Modelo</th>
                        <th data-field="placa">Placa</th>
                        <th data-field="chasis">Chasis</th>
                        <th data-field="vigencia_desde">Vigencia Desde</th>
                        <th data-field="vigencia_hasta">Vigendia Hasta</th>
                    <th data-hide="all">Clausulas</th>
                    <th data-hide="all">Exclusiones</th>
                    <th data-hide="all">Beneficios</th>
                    <th data-hide="all">Deducibles</th>
                    <th data-hide="all">Coberturas</th>

我想从一个 .js 文件填充它,该文件包含一个带有 json 数据的函数,如下所示。我尝试了一些选项,但仍然无法得到它,我最后尝试的就是这个。

loadTable: function () {

            var bt_data = [{
                    "marca": "HYUNDAI",
                    "modelo": "IONIQ",
                    "placa": "T02096577",
                    "clausulas": "clauuuuuusulaaas",
                    "exclusiones": "eeexclusioooonesss",
                    "beneficios": "beeeeneeefiiiciiiooosss",

                        "useParentWidth": true,
                        "columns": $.get('columns.bt_data'),
                        "rows": $.get('rows.bt_data')



除非您有一个服务器端页面监听“columns.bt_data”和“rows.bt_data”URL 并返回相关的 JSON/数组响应,否则您传递给 footable 的列和行值将不会产生任何结果.


loadTable: function () {
    var bt_data = [{
        "marca": "HYUNDAI",
        "modelo": "IONIQ",
        "placa": "T02096577",
        "clausulas": "clauuuuuusulaaas",
        "exclusiones": "eeexclusioooonesss",
        "beneficios": "beeeeneeefiiiciiiooosss",

    //get Column JSON from first item in Rows array
    var columnJSON = $.map(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(bt_data[0]), function (column) {
        return {"name": column,"title": column}

        "useParentWidth": true,
        "columns": columnJSON, //Pass columns object through to footable
        "rows": bt_data //Pass your existing rows array through to footable

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