java - 如何在 Android 的 TextView 中显示 unicode 字符?

标签 java android unicode textview

这是我的 Activity :


private final TextWatcher mTextEditorWatcher = new TextWatcher() {

    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after)


    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count)
        String name =et.getText().toString();
        String a ="a";
        String b ="b";
        String c ="c";
        String d ="d";
        String e ="e";
        String f ="f";
        String g ="g";
        String h ="h";
        String a1 ="\u24B6";
        String b1 ="\u24B7";
        String c1 ="\u24B7";
        String d1 ="\u24B9";
        String e1 ="\u24BB";
        String f1 ="\u24BB";
        String g1 ="\u24BD";
        String h1 ="\u24BD";
        name =name.replaceAll(a,a1);
        name =name.replaceAll(b,b1);
        name =name.replaceAll(c,c1);
        name =name.replaceAll(d,d1);
        name =name.replaceAll(e,e1);
        name =name.replaceAll(f,f1);
        name =name.replaceAll(g,g1);
        name =name.replaceAll(h,h1);

    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s)



当在 edittext 中写入 a 或 b 或 c 时,在 textview 中显示空格,解决方案是什么 显示unicode? 请帮忙



tv.setText(name).trim(); // the String.trim() method removes leading and trailing white spaces

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