java - 使用二叉堆构建哈夫曼树

标签 java huffman-code binary-heap



这是我的 HuffmanEncode 类:

public class HuffmanEncode {

    public HuffmanEncode(String in, String out) {
        // Implements the Huffman encoding algorithm
        // Add private methods and instance variables as needed
        int[] freqs = new int[128]; // character counts
        char[] chars = new char[128]; //characters

        freqs = countFrequencies(in);
        HuffmanTree[] trees = new HuffmanTree[128]; //single node trees

        for(int i= 0; i < freqs.length; i++) {
            chars[i] = (char)i;
            trees[i] = new HuffmanTree(chars[i]);

        BinaryHeap heap = new BinaryHeap(128); // create a binary heap
        for(int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { 
            heap.insert(freqs[i], trees[i]); 

        // STUCK HERE

        HuffmanTree root = new HuffmanTree();

        // STUCK HERE


    private void buildTree(BinaryHeap h) {
        // grab two smallest
        while (h.getSize() > 1) { //repeat until there is only one left
            int temp1, temp2;
            HuffmanTree t1, t2;
            temp1 = h.getMinPriority();
            temp2 = h.getMinPriority();
            // add their frequency to create new single node tree with char 128
            int sum = temp1 + temp2;
            HuffmanTree node = new HuffmanTree((char)128);
            // insert it back into the heap
            h.insert(sum, node);

    // count the frequencies of all characters in ascii 0-127 and store them in an array
    private int[] countFrequencies(String input) {
        File f1 = new File(input);
        int[] count = new int[128];
        try {
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (f1));
            int nextChar;
            char ch;

            while((nextChar = != -1) { // stop when end of file is reached
                ch = ((char) nextChar);
                if(ch <= 127)
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.out.println("file not found");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Buffered Reader error");
        return count;


public class BinaryHeap {
    // implements a binary heap where the heap rule is the value in the parent 
    // node is less than or equal to the values in the child nodes

    // implementation uses parallel arrays to store the priorities and the trees
    // must use this implementation

    int priority[];
    HuffmanTree trees[];
    int size;

    public BinaryHeap(int s) {
        priority = new int[s+1];
        trees = new HuffmanTree[s+1];
        size = 0;

    public void removeMin() {
        // PRE: size != 0;
        // removes the priority and the tree at the root of the heap
        int parent;
        int child;
        int x = priority[size];
        HuffmanTree z = trees[size];
        child = 2;
        while(child <= size) {
            parent = child / 2;
            if(child < size && priority[child+1] < priority[child])
            if(x < priority[child]) break;
            priority[parent] = priority[child];
            trees[parent] = trees[child];
            child = 2 * child;
        priority[child/2] = x;
        trees[child/2] = z;

    public int getMinPriority() {
        // PRE: size != 0
        // return the priority in the root of the heap
        int min = priority[1];
        return min;

    public boolean full() {
        // return true if the heap is full otherwise return false
        return size == priority.length-1;

    public void insert(int p, HuffmanTree t) {
        // insert the priority p and the associated tree t into the heap
        // PRE: !full()
        int parent;
        int child;
        child = size;
        parent = child/2;
        priority[0] = p;
        trees[0] = t;
        while (priority[parent] > p) {
            priority[child] = priority[parent];
            trees[child] = trees[parent];
            child = parent;
            parent = child/2;
        priority[child] = p;
        trees[child] = t;

    public int getSize() {
        // return the number of values (priority, tree) pairs in the heap
        return size;

这是 HuffmanTree 对象的类:

import java.util.*;

public class HuffmanTree {

    private class Node{
        private Node left;
        private char data;
        private Node right;
        private Node parent;

        private Node(Node L, char d, Node R, Node P) {
            left = L;
            data = d;
            right = R;
            parent = P;

    private Node root;
    private Node current; // value is changed by move methods

    public HuffmanTree() {
        root = null;
        current = null;

    public HuffmanTree(char d) {
        // single node tree
        root = new Node(null, d, null, null);
        current = null;

    public HuffmanTree(String t, char nonLeaf) {
        // Assumes t represents a post order representation of the tree
        // nonLeaf is the char value of the data in the non-leaf nodes
        // use (char) 128 for the non-leaf value

    public HuffmanTree(HuffmanTree b1, HuffmanTree b2, char d) {
        // makes a new tree where b1 is the left subtree and b2 is the right subtree and d is the data in root
        root = new Node(b1.root, d, b2.root, null);
        current = null;

    // use the move methods to traverse the tree
    // the move methods change the value of current
    // use these in the decoding process

    public void moveToRoot() {
        // change current to reference the root of the tree
        current = root;

    public void moveToLeft() {
        // PRE: the current node is not a leaf
        current = current.left;

    public void moveToRight() {
        // PRE: the current node is not a leaf
        current = current.right;

    public void moveToParent() {
        // PRE: the current node is not the root
        current = current.parent;

    public boolean atRoot() {
        // returns true if the current node is the root otherwise returns false
        if(current.equals(root)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean atLeaf() {
        // returns true if the current references a leaf otherwise return false
        if(current.left == null && current.right == null && current.parent != null) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public char current() {
        // returns the data value in the node referenced by current

    public Iterator<String> iterator(){
        //return a new path iterator object
        return new PathIterator();

    public String toString() {
        // returns a string representation of the tree using postorder format
        return toString(root);

    private String toString(Node r) {
        if(r == null)
            return "";



        return + "";

    public class PathIterator implements Iterator<String>{
        // the iterator returns the path (a series of 0s and 1s) to each leaf
        // DO NOT compute all paths in the constructor
        // only compute them as needed (similar to what you did in homework 2)
        // add private methods and variables as needed

        public PathIterator() {

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return true;

        public String next() {
            // the format of the string should be leaf value, a space, a sequence of 0s and 1s
            // the 0s and 1s indicate the path from the root the node containing the leaf value
            String result = "";
            return result;

        public void remove() {
            // optional method not implemented


据我了解,并非所有代码都已完成,它仍在进行中。目前我正在尝试使用 HuffmanEncode 类构建树。

我的问题是如何使用二叉堆的并行数组来构造二叉树?我尝试从数组中取出两个元素,添加它们的频率以创建一个新节点,然后将它们插入树中(如代码所示),但我不知道如何实际保持与使用 HuffmanTree 构造函数将两棵树合并在一起的并行性。我怎样才能保证这一切顺利进行?



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