node.js - 依赖于 vscode 模块中的大量 npm…?

标签 node.js scala npm visual-studio-code ensime

我刚刚开始尝试将 Ensime scala ide 支持集成到 vscode 中。我已经从我的 Atom 包 中取出了一些集成部分进入 .

但是,当从 vscode 依赖于此时,我得到红色波浪线,表明找不到它: reds


Q: Can I use native Node.js modules with my extension?

A: A Visual Studio Code extension package contains all of its dependencies. This means that if you develop your extension on Windows and depend on a native Node.js module when you publish that extension, the Windows compiled native dependency will be contained in your extension. Users on OS X or Linux won't be able to use the extension.

The only way to make this work for now is to include binaries for all four platforms of VS Code (Windows x86 and x64, Linux, OS X) in your extension and have code that dynamically loads the right one.

这是什么意思?我不能使用fs、net、child_process之类的吗?我认为有点需要它们,还是 vscode 通过抽象层提供所有这些?


您确实已经包含了基本 Node 模块(fs 等)作为 vscode 本身依赖项的一部分。

您是否记得将此模块作为依赖项包含在您的 package.json 文件中?

检查这一点的方法是清理代码,将其放入新文件夹中,然后运行“npm install” - 如果一切运行正常,则可以开始。



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