scala - 如何使我的排序函数尾递归?

标签 scala tail-recursion



def sort(compare: (A, A) => Int): MyList[A] = {
    def sortHelper(x: A, xs: MyList[A]): MyList[A] = {
      if (xs.isEmpty) {
        new Cons(x, Empty)
      else if(compare(x, xs.head) < 0)
        new Cons(x, xs)
         new Cons(xs.head, sortHelper(x, xs.tail))

    sortHelper(h, t.sort(compare))

val listOfInts = new Cons(1, new Cons(2, new Cons(3, new Cons(4, Empty)
println(listOfInts.sort((x, y) => y - x))

这个列表被排序为 [4,3,2,1] 并且上面的代码可以工作,但不知道如何使其成为尾递归。


@Nigel - 我尝试了你对我当前版本的解决方案,它有效:

def anotherSort(isLess: (A, A) => Boolean): MyList[A] = {
    def sortHelper(workList: MyList[A], sortedList: MyList[A] = Empty): MyList[A] =
    if(workList.isEmpty) sortedList
    else {
      if(sortedList.isEmpty) sortHelper(workList.tail, new Cons(workList.head, Empty))
      else if(isLess(workList.head, sortedList.head)) sortHelper(new Cons(workList.head, new Cons(sortedList.head, workList.tail)), sortedList.tail)
      else sortHelper(workList.tail, new Cons(workList.head, sortedList))




在您的实现中,您导航->然后工作<-这类似于 Right Fold .

如果您将 List 视为调用堆栈,则您将首先执行最内部的 f(f(f(f(...)))) 。这与尾递归相反。


从左到右执行此操作,您的 sortHelper 函数可能应该采用列表的当前工作版本,以及排序版本作为另一个参数。然后,您可以递归地从工作列表中提取一个元素并将其放入排序列表中。如果遇到当前元素小于已排序列表的头部的情况,则应该返回 peddle 并将已排序的头部放回到工作列表中,然后将头部也放回列表中(因为你不这样做)不知道你递归的时候会不会再次遇到这种情况)。



import scala.annotation.tailrec

sealed trait MyList[+A] extends Product with Serializable {
  val isEmpty: Boolean
  def head: A
  def tail: MyList[A]
  def sort(isLess: (A, A) => Boolean): MyList[A] = {
    def inner(working: MyList[A], sorted: MyList[A] = Empty): MyList[A] = working match {
      case Empty => sorted
      case Cons(h, t) =>
        if (sorted.isEmpty) inner(t, Cons(h, Empty))
        else if (isLess(h, sorted.head)) inner(Cons(h, Cons(sorted.head, t)), sorted.tail)
        else inner(t, Cons(h, sorted))


case object Empty extends MyList[Nothing] {
  val isEmpty = true
  def head = throw new NotImplementedError("No head on Empty list")
  def tail = throw new NotImplementedError("No tail on Empty list")

case class Cons[+A](head: A, tail: MyList[A]) extends MyList[A] {
  val isEmpty = false

object SortTest extends App {
  val listOfInts: MyList[Int] = Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Cons(4, Empty))))
  val isLess: (Int, Int) => Boolean = (x, y) => x < y


只是为了好玩,这里调整为使用 Scala 的 List 和 Ordering 类型类:

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.Ordering.Implicits._

object SortTest extends App {
  def sort[A: Ordering](lst: List[A]): List[A] = {
    def inner(working: List[A], sorted: List[A] = Nil): List[A] = working match {
      case Nil => sorted
      case h :: t =>
        val (w, s) = sorted.headOption.fold((t, h :: Nil)){ sh =>
          if (h < sh) (h :: sh :: t, sorted.tail)
          else (t, h :: sorted)

        inner(w, s)


  val listOfInts: List[Int] = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: Nil


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