node.js - 如何在对话流实现中使用 OR 运算符

标签 node.js actions-on-google dialogflow-es-fulfillment

我有 4 部手机的列表,我正在使用 OR 运算符,但它无法正常工作


app.intent(SHOW_PHONE_INTENT, (conv) => {
  conv.contexts.set(AppContexts.AWAITING_PHONE, 1);
  conv.ask("Here's the list of phone's.");
  conv.ask(new List(PhoneList));

app.intent(SELECTED_PHONE_INTENT, (conv, input, option) => {
    const context = conv.contexts.get(AppContexts.AWAITING_PHONE);
    conv.contexts.set(AppContexts1.AWAITING_REPLY, 1, {phone: option});

    if (option === 'Phone1' || 'Phone2'){
      conv.ask(`${option} is in stock. Do you want to add it to your cart.`); 
    } else if (option === 'Phone3'){
      conv.ask(`${option} is out of stock. Would you like to order other products`);
    } else if (option === 'Phone4'){
      conv.ask(`${option} will be launched 1 week later. Would you like to register for this`);

但是当我选择 Phone4 或 Phone3 时,它也会返回选项 1 的响应

conv.ask(`${option} is in stock. Do you want to add it to your cart.`);




if (option === 'Phone1' || option === 'Phone2')

关于node.js - 如何在对话流实现中使用 OR 运算符,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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