python - 在python中找到两个列表之间匹配索引的最快方法?

标签 python python-3.x


listA = ['123', '345', '678']
listB = ['ABC123', 'CDE455', 'GHK678', 'CGH345']


0 3 2

其中 123 出现在 listB 的第一个元素中,因此结果返回 0,345 出现在 listB 的第四个位置中,因此结果为 3。请注意,两个列表非常巨大(大约 500K 元素),因此 for 循环 太慢。您有建议更快的解决方案吗?这是我的解决方案

for i in range (len(listA)):
    for j in range (len(listB)):
        if listA[i] in listB[j]:
            print ('Postion ', j)



In [1]: import re                                                                        

In [2]: listA = ['123', '345', '678']                                                    

In [3]: listB = ['ABC123', 'CDE455', 'GHK678', 'CGH345']                                 

In [4]: # Mapping b/w number in listB to related index                                   

In [5]: mapping = {re.sub(r'\D+', '', value).strip(): index for index, value in enumerate(listB)}                                                                         

In [6]: mapping # Print mapping dictionary                                               
Out[6]: {'123': 0, '455': 1, '678': 2, '345': 3}

In [7]: # Find the desired output                                                        

In [8]: output = [mapping.get(item) for item in listA]                                   

In [9]: output                                                                           
Out[9]: [0, 3, 2]

In [10]:   

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