python - 寻找一种避免合并两个数据帧的优雅解决方案

标签 python python-3.x dask

我有一个 dask dataframe df,如下所示:

Main_Author PaperID
A           X
B           Y
C           Z

我还有另一个 dask dataframe pa,如下所示:

PaperID  Co_Author
X        D
X        E
X        F
Y        A
Z        B
Z        D


Main_Author  Co_Authors   Num_Co_Authors
A            (D,E,F)      3
B            (A)          1
C            (B,D)        2


df = df.merge(pa, on="PaperID")

df = df.groupby('Main_Author')['Co_Author'].apply(lambda x: tuple(x)).reset_index()

df['Num_Co_Authors'] = df['Co_Author'].apply(lambda x: len(x))



如果您正在寻找与两个大的合作 DataFrame s,那么你可以尝试包装这个merge dask.delayed


from faker import Faker
import pandas as pd
import dask
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
import random
fake = Faker()

生成虚拟数据,以便在每个 DataFrame 中获取大量行

  • 指定在每个 DataFrame 中生成的虚拟数据行数
number_of_rows_in_df = 3000
number_of_rows_in_pa = 8000

使用 faker 生成一些大数据集库(根据 this SO post )

def create_rows(auth_colname, num=1):
    output = [{,
               "PaperID":random.randint(1000,2000)} for x in range(num)]
    return output
df = pd.DataFrame(create_rows("Main_Author", number_of_rows_in_df))
pa = pd.DataFrame(create_rows("Co_Author", number_of_rows_in_pa))

打印数据帧的前 5 行

       Main_Author  PaperID
0   Kyle Morton MD     1522
1    April Edwards     1992
2  Rachel Sullivan     1874
3    Kevin Johnson     1909
4     Julie Morton     1635

        Co_Author  PaperID
0  Deborah Cuevas     1911
1     Melissa Fox     1095
2    Sean Mcguire     1620
3     Cory Clarke     1424
4     David White     1569


def merge_operations(df1, df2):
    df = df1.merge(df2, on="PaperID")
    df = df.groupby('Main_Author')['Co_Author'].apply(lambda x: tuple(x)).reset_index()
    df['Num_Co_Authors'] = df['Co_Author'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
    return df

Dask 方法 - 生成最终的 DataFrame使用dask.delayed

ddf = dask.delayed(merge_operations)(df, pa)
with ProgressBar():
    df_dask = dask.compute(ddf)

Dask 方法的输出

[                                        ] | 0% Completed |  0.0s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed |  0.1s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed |  0.2s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed |  0.3s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed |  0.4s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed |  0.5s
[########################################] | 100% Completed |  0.6s

      Main_Author                                          Co_Author  Num_Co_Authors
0  Aaron Anderson  (Elizabeth Peterson, Harry Gregory, Catherine ...              15
1    Aaron Barron  (Martha Neal, James Walton, Amanda Wright, Sus...              11
2      Aaron Bond  (Theresa Lawson, John Riley, Daniel Moore, Mrs...               6
3  Aaron Campbell  (Jim Martin, Nicholas Stanley, Douglas Berry, ...              11
4  Aaron Castillo  (Kevin Young, Patricia Gallegos, Tricia May, M...               6

Pandas 方法 - 生成最终的 DataFrame使用 Pandas 创建

df_pandas = (merge_operations)(df, pa)

      Main_Author                                          Co_Author  Num_Co_Authors
0  Aaron Anderson  (Elizabeth Peterson, Harry Gregory, Catherine ...              15
1    Aaron Barron  (Martha Neal, James Walton, Amanda Wright, Sus...              11
2      Aaron Bond  (Theresa Lawson, John Riley, Daniel Moore, Mrs...               6
3  Aaron Campbell  (Jim Martin, Nicholas Stanley, Douglas Berry, ...              11
4  Aaron Castillo  (Kevin Young, Patricia Gallegos, Tricia May, M...               6

比较 DataFrame使用 Pandas 和 Dask 方法获得的 s

from pandas.util.testing import assert_frame_equal
    assert_frame_equal(df_dask[0], df_pandas, check_dtype=True)
except AssertionError as e:
    message = "\n"+str(e)
    message = 'DataFrames created using Dask and Pandas are equivalent.'


DataFrames created using Dask and Pandas are equivalent.

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