python - 使用 BeautifulSoup 抓取 OSHA 网站

标签 python html pandas web-scraping beautifulsoup

我正在寻求两件主要事情的帮助:(1)抓取网页和(2)将抓取的数据转换为 pandas 数据框(主要是这样我可以输出为 .csv,但仅创建 pandas df 就是暂时就够了)。这是我迄今为止为两者所做的事情:

(1) 抓取网站:


inspection_id   open_date   inspection_type close_conference    close_case  violations_serious_initial  
1285328.015     12/28/2017    referral        12/28/2017       06/21/2018         2

主要依靠 BeautifulSoup4,我尝试了几种不同的选项来获取我感兴趣的页面元素:

# This is meant to give you the first instance of Case Status, which in the case of this page is "CLOSED".

case_status_template = html_soup.head.find('div', {"id" : "maincontain"}, 
class_ = "container").div.find('table', class_ = "table-bordered").find('strong').text

# I wasn't able to get the remaining Case Statuses with find_next_sibling or find_all, so I used a different method:

for table in html_soup.find_all('table', class_= "table-bordered"):

# This gave me the output I needed (i.e. the Case Status for all five records on the page), 
# but didn't give me the structure I wanted and didn't really allow me to connect to the other data on the page.

# I was also able to get to the same place with another page element, Inspection Details.
# This is the information reflected on the page after "Inspection: ", directly below Case Status.

insp_details_template = html_soup.head.find('div', {"id" : "maincontain"}, 
class_ = "container").div.find('table', class_ = "table-unbordered")

for div in html_soup.find_all('table', class_ = "table-unbordered"):

# Unfortunately, although I could get these two pieces of information to print,
# I realized I would have a hard time getting the rest of the information for each record.
# I also knew that it would be hard to connect/roll all of these up at the record level.


url = ''
response = get(url)
html_soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
first_table = html_soup.find('table', class_ = "table-borderedu")
first_table_rows = first_table.find_all('tr')

for tr in first_table_rows:
    td = tr.find_all('td')
    row = [i.text for i in td]

# Then, actually using pandas to get the data into a df and out as a .csv.

dfs_osha = pd.read_html('',header=1)
for df in dfs_osha:

path = r'~\foo'
dfs_osha = pd.read_html('',header=1)
for df[1,3] in dfs_osha:

# This worked better, but didn't actually give me all of the data on the page,
# and wouldn't be replicable for the other four inspection records I'm interested in.

所以,最后,我在这里找到了一个非常方便的示例: 。我正在尝试解决这个问题,并最终提出了以下代码:

for elem in all_content_raw_lxml:
    wrappers = elem.find_all('div', class_ = "row-fluid")
    for x in wrappers:
        case_status = x.find('div', class_ = "text-center")
        insp_details = x.find('div', class_ = "table-responsive")
        for tr in insp_details:
            td = tr.find_all('td')
            td_row = [i.text for i in td]
        violation_items = insp_details.find_next_sibling('div', class_ = "table-responsive")
        for tr in violation_items:
            tr = tr.find_all('tr')
            tr_row = [i.text for i in tr]



对于这种类型的页面,你并不真正需要 beautifulsoup; Pandas 就够了。

url = 'your url above'
import pandas as pd
#use pandas to read the tables on the page; there are lots of them...
tables = pd.read_html(url)

#Select from this list of tables only those tables you need:
incident = [] #initialize a list of inspections
for i, table in enumerate(tables): #we need to find the index position of this table in the list; more below       
    if table.shape[1]==5: #all relevant tables have this shape
        case = [] #initialize a list of inspection items you are interested in       
        case.append(table.iat[1,0]) #this is the location in the table of this particular item
        case.append(table.iat[1,2].split(' ')[2]) #the string in the cell needs to be cleaned up a bit...
        case.append(tables[i+2].iat[0,1]) #this particular item is in a table which 2 positions down from the current one; this is where the index position of the current table comes handy

columns = ["inspection_id",   "open_date",   "inspection_type", "close_conference",    "close_case",  "violations_serious_initial"]
df2 = pd.DataFrame(incident,columns=columns)


    inspection_id   open_date   inspection_type close_conference    close_case  violations_serious_initial
0   Nr: 1285328.015 12/28/2017  Referral    12/28/2017  06/21/2018  2
1   Nr: 1283809.015 12/18/2017  Complaint   12/18/2017  05/24/2018  5
2   Nr: 1284178.015 12/18/2017  Accident    05/17/2018  09/17/2018  1
3   Nr: 1283549.015 12/13/2017  Referral    12/13/2017  05/22/2018  3
4   Nr: 1282631.015 12/12/2017  Fat/Cat 12/12/2017  11/16/2018  1

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