python - gmpy2 : How do I track precision of mpc operations?

标签 python math precision gmp

假设我有两个 gmpy2.mpc 对象 xy 精确到 p 位。当我计算 x+y 时,x 和 y 的某些部分可能会抵消,因此精度较低。


from gmpy2 import *

x = mpc('-0.55555')
y = mpc('0.5555500000001')

尽管 xy 精确到 ~15,但结果仅精确到 4 位有效数字。

我认为我需要计算出在进行加法和减法时发生了多少位取消,然后将其从 xy 的最小值中取出精确。对于乘法和除法,我认为最多只会损失 1 位精度。

所以问题非常普遍:如何跟踪 mpc 对象的精度,特别是在添加和减去它们时?


以下函数将返回两个 mpfr 对象的匹配位数。

import gmpy2

def matching_bits(x, y):
    '''Returns the number of bits that match between x and y. The
    sign of x and y are ignored. x and y must be of type mpfr.'''

    # Force both values to be positive, and x >= y.
    x = abs(x)
    y = abs(y)
    if x < y:
        x, y = y, x

    if not isinstance(x, type(gmpy2.mpfr(0))) or not isinstance(y, type(gmpy2.mpfr(0))):
        raise TypeError("Arguments must be of type 'mpfr'.")

    x_bits, x_exp, x_prec = x.digits(2)
    y_bits, y_exp, y_prec = y.digits(2)

    # (x_exp - y_exp) is the number of zeros that must be prepended
    # to x to align the mantissas. If that is greater than the precision
    # y, then no bits in common.
    if (x_exp - y_exp) > x_prec:
        return 0

    x_bits = "0" * (x_exp - y_exp) + x_bits

    count = 0
    while count < min(x_prec, y_prec) and x_bits[count] == y_bits[count]:
        count += 1
    return count


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