python - 程序在while循环处结束

标签 python

import random

dice1=random.randint (1,6)
dice2=random.randint (1,6)

strengthone = int(input ("Player 1, between 1 and 10 What do you want your characters strength to be? Higher is not always better."))
skillone = int(input ("Player 1, between 1 and 10 What do you want your characters skill to be? Higher is not always better."))

if strengthone > 10:
    print ("Incorrect value")
    print ("Good choice.")
if skillone > 10:
    print ("Incorrect value.")
    print ("Good choice.")

strengthtwo = int(input ("Player 2, between 1 and 10 what do you want your characters strength to be? Higher is not always better."))
skilltwo = int(input ("Player 2, between 1 and 10 what do you want your characters skill to be? Higher is not always better."))

if strengthtwo > 10:
    print ("Incorrect value.")
    print ("Good choice.")
if skillone > 10:
    print ("Incorrect value.")
    print ("Good choice.")

strengthmod = strengthone - strengthtwo
skillmod = skillone - skilltwo
strengthmodone = strengthone - strengthtwo
skillmodone = skillone - skilltwo
strengthmodtwo = strengthone - strengthtwo
skillmodtwo = skillone - skilltwo

print ("Player 1, you rolled a", str(dice1))
print ("Player 2, you rolled a", str(dice2))

while True:
    if dice1 == dice2:
        print ("")
    if dice1 > dice2:
        strengthmodone = strengthmod + strengthone
        strengthmodone = strengthmod + strengthone
    if dice2 > dice1:
        strengthmodtwo = strengthmod + strengthtwo
        skillmodtwo = skillmod + skilltwo
    if dice1 < dice2:
        strengthmodone = strengthmod - strengthone
        skillmodone= skillmod - skillone
    if dice2 < dice1:
        strengthmodtwo = strengthmod - strengthtwo
        skillmodtwo = skillmod - skilltwo
    if strengthmodone == 0:
        print ("Player one dies, well done player two. You win!")
    if strengthmodtwo == 0:
        print ("Player two dies, well done player one. You win!")
    if strengthmodone== 0:
        print ("Player one dies, well done player two. You win!")
    if strengthmodtwo == 0:
        print ("Player two dies, well done player one. You win!")



您的 while True: 循环中有一个break,它总是执行:

while True:
    if dice1 == dice2:
        # [ ... ]
    # [ ... ]
    # more `if` statements
    # [ ... ]
    if dice2 < dice1:
        # [ ... ]

删除它或将其移动到 if 语句中。

你的下一个问题是你永远不会在循环中重新掷骰子。您需要在游戏的每一轮中不断为 dice1dice2 分配新的随机值。

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