python - 优化使用数组索引作为函数的嵌套 for 循环

标签 python arrays numpy lambda vectorization

让我们想象一个 3x4 的空 NumPy 数组,其中包含左上角的坐标以及水平和垂直方向的步长。 现在我想知道整个数组每个单元格中间的坐标。像这样:

enter image description here

为此,我实现了一个嵌套的 for 循环。

In [12]:
import numpy as np
# extent(topleft_x, stepsize_x, 0, topleft_y, 0, stepsize_y (negative since it's top-left)
extent = (5530000.0, 5000.0, 0.0, 807000.0, 0.0, -5000.0)

array = np.zeros([3,4],object) 
cols = array.shape[0]
rows = array.shape[1]

# function to apply to each cell
def f(x,y):
return x*extent[1]+extent[0]+extent[1]/2, y*extent[5]+extent[3]+extent[5]/2

# nested for-loop
def nestloop(cols,rows):
    for col in range(cols):
        for row in range(rows):        
            array[col,row] = f(col,row)             

In [13]: 
%timeit nestloop(cols,rows)
100000 loops, best of 3: 17.4 µs per loop

In [14]: 
array([[(5532500.0, 804500.0), (5537500.0, 804500.0), (5542500.0, 804500.0)],
       [(5532500.0, 799500.0), (5537500.0, 799500.0), (5542500.0, 799500.0)],
       [(5532500.0, 794500.0), (5537500.0, 794500.0), (5542500.0, 794500.0)],
       [(5532500.0, 789500.0), (5537500.0, 789500.0), (5542500.0, 789500.0)]], dtype=object)

但是很想学习,我该如何优化呢?我正在考虑向量化或使用 lambda。我尝试将其矢量化如下:

array[:,:] = np.vectorize(check)(cols,rows) 
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (2) into shape (3,4)

但是,我遇到了广播错误。当前数组为 3 x 4,但这也可以变为 3000 x 4000。


当然,您计算 xy 坐标的方式效率非常低,因为它根本没有矢量化。你可以这样做:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: extent = (5530000.0, 5000.0, 0.0, 807000.0, 0.0, -5000.0)
   ...: x_steps = np.array([0,1,2]) * extent[1]
   ...: y_steps = np.array([0,1,2,3]) * extent[-1]

In [3]: x_coords = extent[0] + x_steps + extent[1]/2
   ...: y_coords = extent[3] + y_steps + extent[-1]/2

In [4]: x_coords
Out[4]: array([ 5532500.,  5537500.,  5542500.])

In [5]: y_coords
Out[5]: array([ 804500.,  799500.,  794500.,  789500.])


In [5]: list(it.product(x_coords, y_coords))
Out[5]: [(5532500.0, 804500.0), (5532500.0, 799500.0), (5532500.0, 794500.0), (5532500.0, 789500.0), (5537500.0, 804500.0), (5537500.0, 799500.0), (5537500.0, 794500.0), (5537500.0, 789500.0), (5542500.0, 804500.0), (5542500.0, 799500.0), (5542500.0, 794500.0), (5542500.0, 789500.0)]

您只需将它们按 4 乘 4 分组即可。

要使用 numpy 获取产品,您可以执行以下操作(基于 this 答案):

In [6]: np.transpose([np.tile(x_coords, len(y_coords)), np.repeat(y_coords, len(x_coords))])
array([[ 5532500.,   804500.],
       [ 5537500.,   804500.],
       [ 5542500.,   804500.],
       [ 5532500.,   799500.],
       [ 5537500.,   799500.],
       [ 5542500.,   799500.],
       [ 5532500.,   794500.],
       [ 5537500.,   794500.],
       [ 5542500.,   794500.],
       [ 5532500.,   789500.],
       [ 5537500.,   789500.],
       [ 5542500.,   789500.]])

可以 reshape :

In [8]: product.reshape((3,4,2))   # product is the result of the above
array([[[ 5532500.,   804500.],
        [ 5537500.,   804500.],
        [ 5542500.,   804500.],
        [ 5532500.,   799500.]],

       [[ 5537500.,   799500.],
        [ 5542500.,   799500.],
        [ 5532500.,   794500.],
        [ 5537500.,   794500.]],

       [[ 5542500.,   794500.],
        [ 5532500.,   789500.],
        [ 5537500.,   789500.],
        [ 5542500.,   789500.]]])


In [9]: ar = np.zeros((3,4,2), float)
    ...: ar[0] = product[::3]
    ...: ar[1] = product[1::3]
    ...: ar[2] = product[2::3]

In [10]: ar
array([[[ 5532500.,   804500.],
        [ 5532500.,   799500.],
        [ 5532500.,   794500.],
        [ 5532500.,   789500.]],

       [[ 5537500.,   804500.],
        [ 5537500.,   799500.],
        [ 5537500.,   794500.],
        [ 5537500.,   789500.]],

       [[ 5542500.,   804500.],
        [ 5542500.,   799500.],
        [ 5542500.,   794500.],
        [ 5542500.,   789500.]]])

我相信有更好的方法来完成最后的 reshape ,但我不是 numpy 专家。

请注意,使用 object 作为数据类型会带来巨大的性能损失,因为 numpy 无法优化任何内容(有时比使用正常的列表)。我使用了 (3,4,2) 数组来代替,它允许更快的操作。

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