python - sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchColumnError : "Could not locate column in row for column ' 0'"

标签 python sql sqlalchemy psycopg2

所以我有这段代码可以使用 python 从 Linux 服务器连接到 redshift。 当我尝试从 Redshift 服务器获取表时,它向我抛出 sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchColumnError:“无法在行中找到列 '0' 的列”错误。

其他经历过类似错误的人通过更新 python 包解决了这个问题,我今天早些时候完成了所有操作,但仍然收到错误。


Python 2.7.12

SQLAlchemy 1.1.6

sqlalchemy-redshift 0.5.0

psycopg2 2.7


from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import getpass
import json
def getredshiftconnect(console_login=True, login_credentials_file=None):
    if console_login:
        login = getpass.getpass("Username: ")
        password = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
        server = input("Server: ")
        database = input("Database connecting to: ")
        schema = input("Schema connecting to: ")
        engine = create_engine("redshift+psycopg2://{0}:{1}@{2}:<PortNumber>/{3}"\
                                   .format(login, password, server, database))
        # Read JSON file with login credentials
        # Make sure that fields are referenced correctly, i.e.:
        # login, password, server, database
        login_credentials = json.load(open(login_credentials_file,"r"))
        engine = create_engine("redshift+psycopg2://{0}:{1}@{2}:<PortNumber>/{3}"\
    # To test connection, if able to list tables then login was succesful
    # Pick a schema that actually has tables
    if engine.table_names(schema): # Explodes at this call
        print ("Successfully connected")
        return engine
        print ("Not properly connected")
except Exception as e:
    print ("Error Connecting: ", e)


我确实发现 SQLAlchemy-1.1.6 是问题的原因。 降级到 1.1.5 后,在我的情况下它再次正常工作。

pip install SQLAlchemy==1.1.5

注意:我发现最新版本的 SQLAlchemy 还有更多错误。 此外,我还必须在某些服务器上删除并重新安装 SQLAlchemy 才能解决问题(例如 pip uninstall SQLAlchemy)。

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