c - 构建多线程的关键部分

标签 c multithreading file producer-consumer critical-section






void *INthread(void *arg)
    printf("INSIDE INthread\n");
    FILE *srcFile = (FILE*)arg;
    FILE *lp; // Log file pointers.
    int t_id = INid++; // Thread number.
    int curOffset;
    BufferItem result;
    struct timespec t;

    t.tv_sec = 0;
    t.tv_nsec = rand()%(TEN_MILLIS_IN_NANOS+1);
    nanosleep(&t, NULL);

    fseek(srcFile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
    curOffset = ftell(srcFile); // Save the current byte offset.

    fseek(srcFile, 0, SEEK_END);
    if(len == 0) // If len hasnt been set by the first IN thread yet.
        len = ftell(srcFile); // Save the length of the srcFile (number of chars).

    fseek(srcFile, curOffset, SEEK_SET); // Revert file pointer to curOffset.
    printf("ID %d number of bytes %d\n", t_id, len);

    int offs;
    int ch;
    while(len > 0) // Go through each byte/char in file.

        /*** CRITICAL SECTION ********************************/
        sem_wait(&empty); /* acquire the empty lock */
        pthread_mutex_lock( &pt_mutex );
        if(len > 0){
            fseek(srcFile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
            if((offs = ftell(srcFile)) != -1)
                result.offset = offs;     /* get position of byte in file */
            if((ch = fgetc(srcFile)) != EOF)
                result.data = ch;       /* read byte from file */

            // Write to log file "read_byte PTn Ox Bb I-1".
            if (!(lp = fopen(log, "a"))) {
                printf("could not open log file for writing");
            if(fprintf(lp, "read_byte PT%d O%d B%d I-1\n", t_id, offs, ch) < 0){
                printf("could not write to log file");
            printf("ID %d --- offset %d char %c len%d\n", t_id, result.offset, result.data, len);
            addItem(&cBuff, &result);

            // Write to log file "produce PTn Ox Bb Ii  ".
            if(fprintf(lp, "produce PT%d O%d B%d I%d\n", t_id, offs, ch, cBuff.lastInd) < 0){
                printf("could not write to log file");

        pthread_mutex_unlock( &pt_mutex );
        sem_post(&full); /* signal full */
        /*** END CRITICAL SECTION ********************************/

        t.tv_sec = 0;
        t.tv_nsec = rand()%(TEN_MILLIS_IN_NANOS+1);
        nanosleep(&t, NULL);

    inJoin[t_id] = 1; // This IN thread is ready to be joined.
    printf("EXIT INthread\n");


void *OUTthread(void *arg)
    printf("INSIDE OUTthread\n");
    struct timespec t;
    t.tv_sec = 0;
    t.tv_nsec = rand()%(TEN_MILLIS_IN_NANOS+1);
    nanosleep(&t, NULL);

    int processing = 1;
    FILE *targetFile, *lp;
    BufferItem OUTresult;
    int t_id = OUTid++;
    int offs, ch;
    int numBytes = len;


        /*** CRITICAL SECTION ********************************/
        sem_wait(&full); /* acquire the full lock */
        pthread_mutex_lock( &pt_mutex );
        cbRead(&cBuff, &OUTresult);
        offs = OUTresult.offset;
        ch = OUTresult.data;

        if (!(lp = fopen(log, "a"))) {
            printf("could not open log file for writing");
        // Write to log file "consume CTn Ox Bb Ii".
        if(fprintf(lp, "consume CT%d O%d B%d I%d\n", t_id, offs, ch, cBuff.lastInd) < 0){
            printf("could not write to log file");

        printf("From buffer: offset %d char %c\n", OUTresult.offset, OUTresult.data);
        if (!(targetFile = fopen(arg, "r+"))) {
            printf("could not open output file for writing");
        if (fseek(targetFile, OUTresult.offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error setting output file position to %u\n",
                    (unsigned int) OUTresult.offset);
        if (fputc(OUTresult.data, targetFile) == EOF) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error writing byte %d to output file\n", OUTresult.data);

        // Write to log file "write_byte CTn Ox Bb I-1".
        if(fprintf(lp, "write_byte CT%d O%d B%d I-1\n", t_id, offs, ch) < 0){
            printf("could not write to log file");

        pthread_mutex_unlock( &pt_mutex );
        sem_post(&empty); /* signal empty */
        /*** END CRITICAL SECTION ********************************/

        t.tv_sec = 0;
        t.tv_nsec = rand()%(TEN_MILLIS_IN_NANOS+1);
        nanosleep(&t, NULL);


    outJoin[t_id] = 1; // This OUT thread is ready to be joined.
    printf("EXIT OUTthread\n");




... processing ...
mutex lock
resource read / write
mutex unlock
... continue processing




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