ios - 绑定(bind)第二个顶点缓冲区似乎破坏了我的第一个顶点缓冲区,OpenGL OES ios 5.1

标签 ios opengl-es opengl-es-2.0 vertex-buffer



glGenBuffers( 1, &vb1 ) ;
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vb1 ) ;

// fill it..
glBufferData( .. )

然后,在 draw() 循环中,

glUseProgram( shader1 ) ;
glBindBuffer( vb1 ) ; // make sure it is bound
glDrawArrays( ... )   // draw it

然后它工作正常,没有问题,没有错误(我在 every gl* 调用后是 glGettingLastError(),所以看起来这段代码完全没问题)


// ran in init() -- then previously working code in draw() is broken
glGenBuffers( 1, &vb2 ) ;              // ok.. no problems with this line
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vb2 ) ; // spoils data in vb1?

当我用这个新生成的 vb2 缓冲区调用 glBindBuffer 时,似乎 vb1 中的数据已完全转储或丢失。在尝试绘制 vb1(不是 vb2!)时,我遇到了这个崩溃:

enter image description here

我什至用 GL_STATIC_DRAW 填充了数组。

我不明白,我认为这些顶点缓冲区应该保留数据,即使创建并初始化了另一个顶点缓冲区也是如此? ..我做错了什么?



我以为我不需要the vertex array declarations that the standard example uses ,您可以看到我在问题中将它们排除在外。但事实证明使用 vertex array objects对正确绑定(bind)索引至关重要。


// Make vertex array OBJECT, _this does not store any data!_
// A "vertex array object" is a bit like a display list in
// that it will just remember and repeat the function calls you make,
// with the values you make them with.
glGenVertexArraysOES( 1, &va ) ; // make vertex array OBJECT. NOT used
// to store data..

// Bind the vertex array
glBindVertexArrayOES( va ) ; // "start recording the calls I make.."

// Make a buffer for the vertex array (place to store the data)
glGenBuffers( 1, &vb ) ;     // make the vertex BUFFER (used to
// store the actual data)

// Make the vertex array buffer active
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vb ) ;

glEnableVertexAttribArray( ... ) ;  // REMEMBERED IN VAO (vertex array object)
glVertexAttribPointer( ... ) ;      // REMEMBERED IN VAO

glBufferData( .. ) ; // send data down to gpu, not remembered by vao

// "Stop remembering" calls to glBindBuffer( .. ) and glEnableVertexAttribArray( .. )
glBindVertexArrayOES( 0 ) ; // "stop recording"


glBindVertexArrayOES( va ) ; // runs ALL your glEnableVertexAttribArray() calls,
// as well as your glBindBuffer( .. ) call,

// now all that's left to do is draw
glDrawArrays( glDrawingStyle, 0, vertexCount );

关于ios - 绑定(bind)第二个顶点缓冲区似乎破坏了我的第一个顶点缓冲区,OpenGL OES ios 5.1,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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