arrays - swift 2 : cannot cast value of type NSArray toNSString Dictionary?

标签 arrays swift dictionary

我正在制作一个简单的应用程序来支持自闭症 child 的 parent 促进沟通。这应该很容易,因为我有一组之前项目的代码,但我坚持的是字典中的一组图像文件。我还是个新手,经过搜索后,但我认为有效的方法都不起作用。为什么?我需要做什么? (我什至放弃了数组,改成了字典,但还是有问题!)

import Foundation
import UIKit

struct WordList {

var placeCue: String?
var choiceImage: [UIImage] = []
var audio: [String] = []

init(index: Int){
let wordlistLibrary = WordlistLibrary().wordlists
let wordlistEntry = wordlistLibrary[index]

let iconName = wordlistEntry["choiceImage"]! as! String // When I run, this is the place to stuck. :(
choiceImage += [UIImage(named: iconName)!]

//choiceImage += wordlistEntry["choiceImage"] as! [UIImage]
placeCue = wordlistEntry["placeCue"] as! String!
audio += wordlistEntry["audio"] as! [String]


struct WordlistLibrary {

var  wordlists: [[String: AnyObject]] = [

"placeCue": "Audio0",   // toothache
"choiceImage": ["WaterBottle.pdf", "Medicine.pdf", "Dentist.pdf", "SomethingElse.pdf"],
"audio": ["Audio16", "Audio17", "Audio14", "Audio21"]

"placeCue": "Audio1",   // ear
"choiceImage": ["WaterBottle.pdf", "Medicine.pdf", "Nap.pdf", "SomethingElse.pdf"],
"audio": ["Audio16", "Audio17", "Audio18", "Audio21"]




let iconName = wordlistEntry["choiceImage"]! as! [String]
choiceImage ={ UIImage(named: $0)! }

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