ios - 具有非标准化数据的 Realm 迁移

标签 ios swift realm

假设您有一个 Realm 对象,例如

class Person: Object {
    var dynamic firstName: String = ""
    var dynamic lastName: String = ""


class LastName: Object {
    var dynamic sirName: String = ""

    override public class func primaryKey() -> String {
        return "sirName"

class Person: Object {
    var dynamic firstName: String = ""
    var dynamic lastName: LastName!

迁移会是什么样子?我尝试过简单的迁移,但这可能会导致多个 LastName 对象具有相同的 PrimaryKey。



let configuration = Realm.Configuration(
    schemaVersion: 1, //This must be larger than the previous schemaVersion
    migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchemaVersion in
        if oldSchemaVersion < 1 {
            migration.enumerate(Person.className()) { oldObject, newObject in
                let lastName = oldObject!["lastName"] as! String
                let newValue: [String: String] = ["sirName": lastName]
                let createdObject = migration.create(LastName.className(), value: newValue)
                newObject!["lastName"] = createdObject

Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = configuration // Set the new configuration as default

let realm = try! Realm() // Open the default realm to perform the migration

要补充的是,现在这也适用于 primaryKey ,模型如下所示:

class Person: Object {
    dynamic var firstName: String = ""
    dynamic var lastName: LastName!

class LastName: Object {
    dynamic var sirName: String = ""

    override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
        return "sirName"

但是,如果 lastName 存在重复项,则此迁移将不起作用,因为 primaryKey 是每个对象的唯一标识符,因此您应该确保有永远不会重复,请为 primaryKey 使用另一个属性,或者在 LastName 对象中根本不使用 primaryKey

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