arrays - 单击按钮时显示数据列表

标签 arrays json swift api

我有 2 个不同的 JSON,我想在将 CollectionView 中的图像按下到另一个 View Controller 时显示数据列表。


对于许多培训 (TSCTtopicName),这将是一个 SkillsName(TSCSkillName)


    "TSCskillID": 1,
    "TSCProficiency": "Product",
    "TSCLevel": "Fundamental",
    "TSCSkillName": "Product Usability",
    "TSCskillLOGO": "images\/TSCskillLogo\/Product Usability.jpg",
    "TSCskillDescription": "SKILLS Test Description"

对于第二个 JSON

    "TSCProficiency": "Product",
    "TSCSkillName": "Product Usability",
    "TSCskillDescription": "SKILLS Test Description",
    "TSCLevel": "Fundamental",
    "TSCskillLOGO": "images\/TSCskillLogo\/Product Usability.jpg",
    "TSCTtopicID": 1,
    "TSCTtopicName": "Trend Micro Security",
    "TSCTtopicDescription": "TOPIC Test Description",
    "Status": "Done",
    "TSCTMemorabilia": "images\/Memorabilia"   
    "TSCProficiency": "Product",
    "TSCSkillName": "Product Usability",
    "TSCskillDescription": "SKILLS Test Description",
    "TSCLevel": "Fundamental",
    "TSCskillLOGO": "images\/TSCskillLogo\/Product Usability.jpg",
    "TSCTtopicID": 2,
    "TSCTtopicName": "Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac",
    "TSCTtopicDescription": "TOPIC Test Description",
    "Status": "Done",
    "TSCTMemorabilia": "images\/Memorabilia"  
// I used this data to display the images to my collectionview

struct getSkills: Codable {
    let TSCProficiency, TSCSkillName, TSCskillDescription, TSCLevel: String
    let TSCskillLOGO: String
    let TSCTtopicID: Int?
    let TSCTtopicName, TSCTtopicDescription, status, TSCTMemorabilia: String

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case TSCProficiency = "TSCProficiency"
        case TSCSkillName = "TSCSkillName"
        case TSCskillDescription = "TSCskillDescription"
        case TSCLevel = "TSCLevel"
        case TSCskillLOGO = "TSCskillLOGO"
        case TSCTtopicID = "TSCTtopicID"
        case TSCTtopicName = "TSCTtopicName"
        case TSCTtopicDescription = "TSCTtopicDescription"
        case status = "Status"
        case TSCTMemorabilia = "TSCTMemorabilia"

struct skills {
    static var TSCskillLOGO : String = "Photo Location"
    static var TSCskillID: String = "1"
    static var TSCProficiency: String = "Skill Proficiency"
    static var TSCSkillName: String = "Skill Name"
    static var TSCskillDescription: String = "Skill Description"
    static var TSCLevel: String = "Skill Level"
    static var TSCTtopicID: String = "Trainings ID"
    static var TSCTtopicName: String = "Training Name"
    static var TSCTtopicDescription: String = "Training Description"
    static var Status: String = "Status"
    static var TSCTMemorabilia: String = "Memorabilia"

struct testSkills: Codable {
    let TSCskillID: Int
    let TSCProficiency, TSCLevel,TSCSkillName, TSCskillLOGO: String
    let TSCskillDescription: String

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case TSCskillID = "TSCskillID"
        case TSCProficiency = "TSCProficiency"
        case TSCLevel = "TSCLevel"
        case TSCSkillName = "TSCSkillName"
        case TSCskillLOGO = "TSCskillLOGO"
        case TSCskillDescription = "TSCskillDescription"

class SkillsTreeViewController: UIViewController, UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegate {

    @IBOutlet weak var skillsCollectionView: UICollectionView!
    @IBOutlet weak var skillsCatLbl: UILabel!

 var getSkillsInfo = [getSkills]()
    var testSkillsInfo = [testSkills]()
    var badges: [UIImage] = []
    var isBadgeLoaded = false
    var retryTimes = 0

// You may check my code below

  override func viewDidLoad() {

        skillsCollectionView.layer.cornerRadius = 10
        skillsCollectionView.layer.masksToBounds = true
        skillsCatLbl.text = "Network"


    func loadData() {
        handleCollectionViewLayout(collectionView: skillsCollectionView)
        getTestSkillsList {
            self.addValuesToVariables {
                self.handleLoading(view: self.skillsCollectionView, isDoneLoading: !self.isBadgeLoaded)
        //        getSkillsDetails {}
  func addValuesToVariables(completed: @escaping () -> ()) {

        skills.TSCskillLOGO = testSkillsInfo[0].TSCskillLOGO
        skills.TSCProficiency = testSkillsInfo[0].TSCProficiency
        skills.TSCSkillName = testSkillsInfo[0].TSCSkillName
       skills.TSCskillDescription = testSkillsInfo[0].TSCskillDescription
        skills.TSCLevel = testSkillsInfo[0].TSCLevel
       skills.TSCskillID = String(testSkillsInfo[0].TSCskillID)


    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
       // return getSkillsInfo.count
        return testSkillsInfo.count

    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
        let collectionviewcell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "collectionviewcell", for: indexPath) as! FAMECell

        collectionviewcell.skillsBadgePic?.addImageShadow(shadowOffset: CGSize(width: 0, height: 0), shadowColor:, shadowRadius: 0.5, shadowOpacity: 5.0)
        collectionviewcell.skillsBadgePic?.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit

        if isBadgeLoaded {
          collectionviewcell.skillsBadgePic?.image = badges[indexPath.item]
        return collectionviewcell
        //collectionviewcell.skillsBadgePic?.image = getSkillsInfo[indexPath.item].image
    //    print(getSkillsInfo[indexPath.item].image!)

    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
        print("User Tapped: \(indexPath.item)")

        let selectedCell = skillsCollectionView.cellForItem(at: indexPath) as! FAMECell
        let mainStoryboard:UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard (name: "Main", bundle:nil)
        let desVC = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SkillsTreePopUpViewController") as! SkillsTreePopUpViewController

        desVC.badgeTitle = testSkillsInfo[indexPath.item].TSCSkillName
        desVC.badgeImage = selectedCell.skillsBadgePic?.image
        desVC.badgeDescription = testSkillsInfo[indexPath.item].TSCskillDescription
        desVC.skillID = testSkillsInfo[indexPath.item].TSCskillID
        desVC.trainingsBtn = getSkillsInfo[indexPath.item].TSCTtopicName //getting an error on this line [array is nil]

        self.present(desVC, animated: true, completion: nil)

func getTestSkillsList(completed: @escaping () -> ()) {

        let fcat = self.skillsCatLbl.text

        let siebelid = engineerProfileInfo.siebelID
        let rootLink = ""
        let url = URL (string: rootLink + "id=" + siebelid + "&fcat=" + fcat!)

        URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!) {(data, response, error) in
            if error == nil {
                do {
                    self.testSkillsInfo = try JSONDecoder().decode([testSkills].self, from: data!)
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                } catch {
                    print("JSON Error: Skills Tree")
            } else {

    func getSkillsDetails(completed: @escaping () -> ()) {

        let tid = skills.TSCskillID
        let siebelid = engineerProfileInfo.siebelID
        let rootLink = ""
       let url = URL (string: rootLink + "sid=" + siebelid + "&tid=" + tid )

        URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!) {(data, response, error) in
            if error == nil { // getting an error here that array is nil
                do { 
                    self.getSkillsInfo = try JSONDecoder().decode([getSkills].self, from: data!)
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                } catch {
                    print("JSON Error: Trainings Details")
                    print (error)
            } else {

    func loadImages(){
        for index in 1...testSkillsInfo.count {
            let badgeTitle = testSkillsInfo[index-1].TSCSkillName
            let completeLink = "" + "images/TSCskillLogo/\(badgeTitle).jpg"
        let imageUrlString = completeLink.addingPercentEncoding( withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)
        let url = URL(string: imageUrlString!)
        let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url!)
        let coloredPic = UIImage(data: data!)

            isBadgeLoaded = !isBadgeLoaded



JSON text did not start with array.



struct SkillName: Codable {
    let tsCskillID: Int
    let tscProficiency, tscLevel, tscSkillName, tsCskillLOGO: String
    let tsCskillDescription: String

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case tsCskillID = "TSCskillID"
        case tscProficiency = "TSCProficiency"
        case tscLevel = "TSCLevel"
        case tscSkillName = "TSCSkillName"
        case tsCskillLOGO = "TSCskillLOGO"
        case tsCskillDescription = "TSCskillDescription"


typealias TopicName = [TopicNameElement]

struct TopicNameElement: Codable {
    let tscProficiency, tscSkillName, tsCskillDescription, tscLevel: String
    let tsCskillLOGO: String
    let tscTtopicID: Int
    let tscTtopicName, tscTtopicDescription, status, tsctMemorabilia: String

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case tscProficiency = "TSCProficiency"
        case tscSkillName = "TSCSkillName"
        case tsCskillDescription = "TSCskillDescription"
        case tscLevel = "TSCLevel"
        case tsCskillLOGO = "TSCskillLOGO"
        case tscTtopicID = "TSCTtopicID"
        case tscTtopicName = "TSCTtopicName"
        case tscTtopicDescription = "TSCTtopicDescription"
        case status = "Status"
        case tsctMemorabilia = "TSCTMemorabilia"

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