machine-learning - RISO 的 L-BFGS 不起作用

标签 machine-learning svm mathematical-optimization libsvm gradient-descent

我正在测试 RISO 的 L-BFGS 库的实现,以实现 Java 中逻辑回归的函数最小化。 Here是我正在使用的类的链接。


f(x) = 2*(x1^2) + 4*x2 + 5


      The value of the objective function, given variable assignments
      x. This is specific to your problem, so you must override it.
      Remember that LBFGS only minimizes, so lower is better.
   public double objectiveFunction(double[] x) throws Exception {
        return (2*x[0]*x[0] + 3*x[1] + 1);

      The gradient of the objective function, given variable assignments
      x.  This is specific to your problem, so you must override it.
   public double[] evaluateGradient(double[] x) throws Exception {
        double[] result = new double[x.length];
        result[0] = 4 * x[0];
        result[1] = 3;
        return result;


Exception in thread "main" Line search failed. See documentation of routine mcsrch. 
Error return of line search: info = 3 Possible causes: 
function or gradient are incorrect, or incorrect tolerances. (iflag == -1)




它是 x1 的二次函数,但不是 x2 的二次函数。我怀疑抛出异常是因为梯度算法找不到最优解,它“认为”问题是容差系数设置不正确,或者梯度函数错误

您的意思是对象函数中的 f(x) = 2*(x^2) + 3*x + 1 吗?

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