python - 使用 Keras Sequential 模型实现快捷方式

标签 python tensorflow machine-learning keras deep-learning

我已经通过 Keras 功能模型实现了快捷方式:

inputs = ...

# shortcut path
shortcut = ShortcutLayer()(inputs)

# main path
outputs = MainLayer()(inputs)

# add main and shortcut together
outputs = Add()([outputs, shortcut])



def my_model_with_shortcut():
    # returns a Sequential model equivalent to the functional one above

model = my_model_with_shortcut()

inputs = ...
outputs = model(inputs)



def my_model_with_shortcut():
    def _create_shortcut(inputs):
         # here create model as in case you know inputs, e.g.:
         aux = Dense(10, activation='relu')(inputs)
         output = Dense(10, activation='relu')(aux)
         return output  
    return _create_shortcut


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