python - 在 Python 中获取相差 N 或更多的最小坐标

标签 python database numpy scipy


data = [
    [(10, 20), (100, 120), (0, 5), (50, 60)],
    [(13, 20), (300, 400), (100, 120), (51, 62)]

并且我想获取数据中每个列表中出现的所有元组,或者与列表中除其自身以外的所有元组相差 3 或更少的任何元组。我怎样才能在 Python 中有效地做到这一点?


[[(100, 120), # since it occurs in both lists
  (10, 20), (13, 20), # since they differ by only 3 
  (50, 60), (51, 60)]]

(0, 5) 和 (300, 400) 不会被包括在内,因为它们没有出现在两个列表中,并且与列表中的元素除了它们自己的元素相差 3 或更少。





这里的优化很简单:如果我们在某个点的 3 个单位的欧几里德距离内寻找项目,并且我们知道子树中的所有项目都至少向右 3 个单位,那么任何点都不可能该区域可能距离不到 3 个单位。


import math

def euclidean_distance(pos1, pos2):
    x = math.pow(pos1[0] - pos2[0], 2)
    y = math.pow(pos1[1] - pos2[1], 2)
    return math.sqrt(x + y)

class QuadTreeNode(object):
    def __init__(self, pos):
        Create a QuadTreeNode at the specified position.  pos must be an (x, y) tuple.
        Children are classified by quadrant. 
        # Children of this node are ordered TL, TR, BL, BL (origin top-left).
        self.children = [None, None, None, None]
        self.pos = pos

    def classify_node(self, pos):
        Return which entry in children can contain pos.  If pos is equal to this
        node, return None.

        >>> node = QuadTreeNode((10, 20))
        >>> node.classify_node((10, 20)) == None
        >>> node.classify_node((2, 2))
        >>> node.classify_node((50, 2))
        >>> node.classify_node((2, 50))
        >>> node.classify_node((50, 50))

        X boundary condition:
        >>> node.classify_node((10, 2))
        >>> node.classify_node((10, 50))

        Y boundary conditoin:
        >>> node.classify_node((2, 20))
        >>> node.classify_node((50, 20))
        if pos == self.pos:
            return None
        if pos[0] <= self.pos[0]:       # Left
            if pos[1] <= self.pos[1]:   # Top-left
                return 0
            else:                       # Bottom-left
                return 2
        else:                           # Right
            if pos[1] <= self.pos[1]:   # Top-right
                return 1
            else:                       # Bottom-right
                return 3
        assert False, "not reached"

    def add_node(self, node):
        Add a specified point under this node.
        type = self.classify_node(node.pos)
        if type is None:
            # node is equal to self, so this is a duplicate node.  Ignore it.

        if self.children[type] is None:
            self.children[type] = node
            # We already have a node there; recurse and add it to the child.

    def CreateQuadTree(data):
        Create a quad tree from the specified list of points.
        root = QuadTreeNode(data[0])
        for val in data[1:]:
            node = QuadTreeNode(val)

        return root

    def distance_from_pos(self, pos):
        return euclidean_distance(self.pos, pos)

    def __str__(self): return str(self.pos)

    def find_point_within_range(self, pos, distance):
        If a point exists within the specified Euclidean distance of the specified
        point, return it.  Otherwise, return None.
        if self.distance_from_pos(pos) <= distance:
            return self

        for axis in range(0, 4):
            if self.children[axis] is None:
                # We don't have a node on this axis.

            # If moving forward on this axis would permanently put us out of range of
            # the point, short circuit the search on that axis.
            if axis in (0, 2): # axis moves left on X
                if self.pos[0] < pos[0] - distance:
            if axis in (1, 3): # axis moves right on X
                if self.pos[0] > pos[0] + distance:
            if axis in (0, 1): # axis moves up on Y
                if self.pos[1] < pos[1] - distance:
            if axis in (2, 3): # axis moves down on Y
                if self.pos[1] > pos[1] + distance:
            node = self.children[axis].find_point_within_range(pos, distance)
            if node is not None:
                return node
        return None

    def find_point_in_range_for_all_trees(point, trees, distance):
        If all QuadTreeNodes in trees contain a a point within the specified distance
        of point, return True,  Otherwise, return False.
        for tree in trees:
            if tree.find_point_within_range(point, distance) is None:
                return False
        return True

def test_naive(data, distance):
    def find_point_in_list(iter, point):
        for i in iter:
            if euclidean_distance(i, point) <= distance:
                return True
        return False

    def find_point_in_all_lists(point):
        for d in data:
            if not find_point_in_list(d, point):
                return False
        return True

    results = []
    for d in data:
        for point in d:
            if find_point_in_all_lists(point):
    return set(results)

def test_tree(data, distance):
    trees = [QuadTreeNode.CreateQuadTree(d) for d in data]
    results = []
    for d in data:
        for point in d:
            if QuadTreeNode.find_point_in_range_for_all_trees(point, trees, 3):
    return set(results)

def test():
    sample_data = [
            [(10, 20), (100, 120), (0, 5), (50, 60)],
            [(13, 20), (300, 400), (100, 120), (51, 62)]
    result1 = test_naive(sample_data, 3)
    result2 = test_tree(sample_data, 3)
    print result1
    assert result1 == result2

    # Loosely validate the tree algorithm against a lot of sample data, and compare
    # performance while we're at it:
    def random_data():
        import random
        return [(random.randint(0,1000), random.randint(0,1000)) for d in range(0,500)]
    data = [random_data() for x in range(0,10)]

    print "Searching (naive)..."
    result1 = test_naive(data, 3)

    print "Searching (tree)..."
    result2 = test_tree(data, 3)
    assert result1 == result2

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import doctest

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