php - 数据库中的信息未更新

标签 php mysql


我有这个评级系统,它允许用户对文章进行评级。它有点工作,但问题是它不会更新数据库中的数据,我不知道为什么。任何帮助,将不胜感激。 :)

// Connects to your Database 
 mysql_connect("URL", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error()); 
 mysql_select_db("db_name") or die(mysql_error()); 

     //Then we update the voting information by adding 1 to the total votes and adding their vote (1,2,3,etc) to the total rating  
 if(isset($_submit['voted'])) { 
 mysql_query ("UPDATE vote SET total= total+$voted, votes = votes+1 WHERE id = $id"); 

        Echo "Your vote has been cast <p>"; 

 //Puts SQL Data into an array
 $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vote") or die(mysql_error()); 

 //Now we loop through all the data 
 while($ratings = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) 
 //This outputs the sites name 
 Echo "Name: " .$ratings['name']."<br>"; 

 //This calculates the sites ranking and then outputs it - rounded to 1 decimal 
 $current = $ratings['total'] / $ratings['votes']; 
 Echo "Current Rating: " . round($current, 1) . "<br>"; 

 //This creates 5 links to vote a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 rating for each particular item 
 Echo "Rank Me: "; 
 Echo "<a href='index.php?site=kumu'?mode=vote&voted=1&id=".$ratings['id'].">1</a> | "; //The HREF was ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']." before
 Echo "<a href='index.php?site=kumu'?mode=vote&voted=2&id=".$ratings['id'].">2</a> | "; 
 Echo "<a href='index.php?site=kumu'?mode=vote&voted=3&id=".$ratings['id'].">3</a> | "; 
 Echo "<a href='index.php?site=kumu'?mode=vote&voted=4&id=".$ratings['id'].">4</a> | "; 
 Echo "<a href='index.php?site=kumu'?mode=vote&voted=5&id=".$ratings['id'].">5</a><p>"; 





if(isset($_submit['voted'])) { 
 mysql_query ("UPDATE vote SET total= total+$voted, votes = votes+1 WHERE id = $id"); 

       echo "Your vote has been cast <p>"; 


if(isset($_POST['voted'])) { 
 mysql_query ("UPDATE vote SET total= total+$voted, votes = votes+1 WHERE id = $id"); 

        echo "Your vote has been cast <p>"; 

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