ios - Reactivecocoa绑定(bind)UIButton的标题

标签 ios uibutton reactive-cocoa

RAC(self.balanceLabel,text) = RACObserve(self.viewModel, balance); // balanceLabel is a UILabel,that is ofcourse work
RAC(self.supplierNameButton.titleLabel.text)  = RACObserve(self.viewModel, supplierName); // that is not work,i think this is I don't use the - setTitle:forState: method

我的问题是:我如何使用 Reactivecocoa 将 View 模型的供应商绑定(bind)到其 UIControlStateNormal 的 UIButon 文本


不幸的是,绑定(bind)仅适用于属性,按钮的文本只能使用 setTitle:forState 方法进行更新。

但有一个解决方法:您可以使用 rac_liftSelector:withSignalsFromArray 方法,当您不想弄乱订阅(和 weakify/强化):

[self.supplierNameButtonButton rac_liftSelector:@selector(setTitle:forState:) withSignalsFromArray:@[RACObserve(self.viewModel, supplierName), [RACSignal return:@(UIControlStateNormal)]]];

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