ios - momostocks sdk : You already opened scanner with different pair , API key / secret 对问题

标签 ios objective-c barcode-scanner



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-(void) initializeMoodStock {
NSString *path = [MSScanner cachesPathFor:@"scanner.db"];
_scanner = [[MSScanner alloc] init];
[_scanner openWithPath:path key:MS_API_KEY secret:MS_API_SECRET error:nil];
// Create the progression and completion blocks:
void (^completionBlock)(MSSync *, NSError *) = ^(MSSync *op, NSError *error) {
//        if (error)
//            NSLog(@"Sync failed with error: %@", [error ms_message]);
//        else
//            NSLog(@"Sync succeeded (%li images(s))", (long)[_scanner count:nil]);
void (^progressionBlock)(NSInteger) = ^(NSInteger percent) {
//        NSLog(@"Sync progressing: %li%%", (long)percent);
// Launch the synchronization
[_scanner syncInBackgroundWithBlock:completionBlock progressBlock:progressionBlock];

& initializeMoodStockdidFinishLaunchingWithOptions:




  1. Sometime you need to reset content and settings of your simulator.

& if not works that mean,

  1. Might be someone has deleted your project from moodstocks developer account

  2. Or sometime admin reseted your project API KEY & Moodstocks secret key.

现在检查第二个和第三个案例,转到开发者帐户检查您的 key 并在您的 appDelegate 中更新它。

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