objective-c - 使用 Cocoa Scripting Bridge 在事先不知道收件人的情况下发送电子邮件

标签 objective-c cocoa scripting-bridge

我正在使用 Apple 提供的默认 SBSendEmail 示例中的代码来发送电子邮件。我的情况唯一的区别是我事先不知道收件人,我希望用户在邮件窗口的“收件人”字段中输入收件人。这是我的代码:

    MailApplication *mail = [SBApplication

    /* create a new outgoing message object */
    MailOutgoingMessage *emailMessage =
    [[[mail classForScriptingClass:@"outgoing message"] alloc]
     [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
      @"this is my subject", @"subject",
      @"this is my content", @"content",

    /* add the object to the mail app  */
    [[mail outgoingMessages] addObject: emailMessage];

    /* set the sender, show the message */
    //  emailMessage.sender = [self.fromField stringValue];
    emailMessage.visible = YES;

    /* create a new recipient and add it to the recipients list */
//        MailToRecipient *theRecipient =
//        [[[mail classForScriptingClass:@"to recipient"] alloc]
//         initWithProperties:
//         [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
//          @"recipientEmailHere@example.com", @"address",
//          nil]];
//        [emailMessage.toRecipients addObject: theRecipient];

    /* add an attachment, if one was specified */
    NSString *attachmentFilePath = "<my provided file path>";
    if ( [attachmentFilePath length] > 0 ) {

        /* create an attachment object */
        MailAttachment *theAttachment = [[[mail
                                           classForScriptingClass:@"attachment"] alloc]
                                         [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                          attachmentFilePath, @"fileName",

        /* add it to the list of attachments */
        [[emailMessage.content attachments] addObject: theAttachment];
    /* send the message */
    [emailMessage send];




[emailMessage open];

这将导致 Mail.app 在撰写窗口中打开您的邮件。

要使 Mail.app 成为最前面的应用程序,以便用户可以看到新创建的消息窗口,请使用:

 [mail activate];

关于objective-c - 使用 Cocoa Scripting Bridge 在事先不知道收件人的情况下发送电子邮件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6191231/


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