html - 如何正确渲染和动画 svg 图标?

标签 html css animation svg css-animations

我正在尝试使用 svg files并将它们显示为图标。但是我遇到了一些问题

  1. 我无法加载 icon.svg svg 中的文件标签。我最终使用了 object标签代替。

  2. 我想为我的 svg 添加动画.我最终在 icon.svg 中完成了它文件本身 <animate dur="5s" values=...; ></animate>这会在浏览器上引发此错误 SVG's SMIL animations (<animate>, <set>, etc.) are deprecated and will be removed. Please use CSS animations or Web animations instead.

  3. 在 jade/html 中做这一切的最好方法是什么?这就是我现在拥有的..

     # footer.tpl.jade
          a.logo__link(href='/') Frit
          a.logo__link(href='/') Mark
          p.footer__content All rights reserved or whatever. Please refer to the about section &amp; terms-of-service for the appropriate info. All rights reserved.
            object.icon--heart(type='image/svg+xml', data='icons/heart-icon.svg')
            | Copyright &copy; 2016 Belgium.
     .icon {
       &--heart {
         width: 25px;
         height: 20px;
         // Will like to add all the animation here


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""><svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 37 36" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xml:space="preserve" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:1.41421;"><path class="heart--pulse" id="Heart-Icon" d="M18,11.316c3.368,-5.316 10.105,-5.316 13.474,-2.658c3.368,2.658 3.368,7.974 0,13.29c-2.358,3.986 -8.421,7.973 -13.474,10.631c-5.053,-2.658 -11.116,-6.645 -13.474,-10.631c-3.368,-5.316 -3.368,-10.632 0,-13.29c3.369,-2.658 10.106,-2.658 13.474,2.658Z" style="fill:hsla(60, 100%, 75.1%, 1);">
    <animate dur="5s" values="hsla(0, 100%, 75.1%, 1); hsla(60, 100%, 75.1%, 1); hsla(0, 100%, 75.1%, 1)" attributeName="fill" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate>
</path><g id="Remove-Icon"><clipPath id="_clip1"><polygon points="140.007,3.906 172.007,3.92 171.993,34.007 139.993,33.993 140.007,3.906 "/></clipPath><g clip-path="url(#_clip1)"></g></g></svg>


所以我想出了如何显示图标。下面是我的工作代码。我用这个作为引用:SVG sprites &这个SVG sprites css tricks


<svg style='display:none;' xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
        <symbol id='heart-icon' viewBox='0 0 32 32'>
            <title>Heart Icon</title>
            <path class="heart--pulse" id="Heart-Icon" d="M18,11.316c3.368,-5.316 10.105,-5.316 13.474,-2.658c3.368,2.658 3.368,7.974 0,13.29c-2.358,3.986 -8.421,7.973 -13.474,10.631c-5.053,-2.658 -11.116,-6.645 -13.474,-10.631c-3.368,-5.316 -3.368,-10.632 0,-13.29c3.369,-2.658 10.106,-2.658 13.474,2.658Z" style="fill:hsla(60, 100%, 75.1%, 1);">
        </symbol> <!-- End of heart-icon -->

        <symbol id="signup" viewBox= '0 0 32 32'>
            <title>Sign up Icon</title>
        </symbol><!-- End of signup-icon -->

        <symbol id="user-icon" viewBox= '0 0 64 64'>
            <title>User Icon</title>
            <g id="Remove-Icon">
                <clipPath id="_clip1">
                    <polygon points="416.013,24 448.013,24.014 448,54.101 416,54.087 416.013,24 "/>
                <g clip-path="url(#_clip1)"></g>
            <g id="SignIn-Icon">
                <path d="M45.693,58.232c0.518,1.296 0.36,2.764 -0.423,3.92c-0.782,1.156 -2.087,1.848 -3.483,1.848c-5.633,0 -13.894,0 -19.539,0c-1.404,0 -2.716,-0.696 -3.504,-1.859c-0.787,-1.162 -0.947,-2.64 -0.426,-3.943c1.491,-3.731 3.36,-8.41 4.525,-11.325c0.668,-1.672 2.282,-2.773 4.082,-2.785c2.64,-0.018 6.507,-0.044 9.351,-0.063c2.246,-0.015 4.273,1.347 5.107,3.432c1.185,2.962 2.915,7.289 4.31,10.775Z" style="fill:hsla(0, 0%, 98.8%, 1);"/>
                <ellipse cx="32" cy="32" rx="10.581" ry="13.266" style="fill:hsla(0, 0%, 98.8%, 1);"/>
        </symbol><!-- End of signup-icon -->

  .... omitted code



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