html - 书籍封面图像旁边的章节列表

标签 html css


现在,我的图片显示出来了,章节列表在它下面。我应该使用表格或某种基础列格式来执行此操作,还是在 css 中有更简单的方法?


 <h4>The Lone Star Mind: An American Intellectual History</h4>
<h6>Table of Contents for forthcoming manuscript (The University of Texas Press)</h6>

<img src="" style="height:50%; width: 50%">
  <li>Introduction: Promise & Peril beyond the Cultural Turn <a href="">(Read draft)</a>
  <li>Chapter 1. The Lone Star Mind: The Traditional Texas Past in Historical Perspective</li>


基本上,您希望使用 float: left 让文本环绕图像。然而,这仍然会允许章节列表增长超过图像的高度,所以如果你想确保章节列表不超过该高度,你将需要添加几个容器并使用 overflow: auto 在某处启用章节列表滚动。

img {
  float: left;
  margin-right: 20px;
<h4>The Lone Star Mind: An American Intellectual History</h4>
<h6>Table of Contents for forthcoming manuscript (The University of Texas Press)</h6>

<img src="" style="height:50%; width: 50%">
  <li>Introduction: Promise & Peril beyond the Cultural Turn <a href="">(Read draft)</a>
  <li>Chapter 1. The Lone Star Mind: The Traditional Texas Past in Historical Perspective</li>

这是使用容器的方法的演示。我认为 HTML5 标签在语义上最合适的用法是 figurefigcaption,但如果有更好的选择,有人可以纠正我!

.book {
  height: 300px;
  border: 1px solid #000;

.book img {
  display: block;
  height: 300px;
  float: left;

.book .contents {
  height: 300px;
  overflow: auto;
<h4>The Lone Star Mind: An American Intellectual History</h4>
<h6>Table of Contents for forthcoming manuscript (The University of Texas Press)</h6>

<figure class="book">
  <img class="cover" src="">
  <figcaption class="contents">
      <li>Introduction: Promise & Peril beyond the Cultural Turn <a href="">(Read draft)</a>
      <li>Chapter 1. The Lone Star Mind: The Traditional Texas Past in Historical Perspective</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>
      <li>Some more chapters to test.</li>

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