java - 为什么新线程而不是 future {...}

标签 java multithreading scala blocking future

This answer指示如何将 java.util.concurrent.Future 转换为 scala.concurrent.Future,同时管理阻塞发生的位置:

import java.util.concurrent.{Future => JFuture}
import scala.concurrent.{Future => SFuture}

val jfuture: JFuture[T] = ???
val promise = Promise[T]()
new Thread(
  new Runnable {
    def run() { promise.complete(Try{ jfuture.get }) }
val future = promise.future


what's wrong with future { jfuture.get }? Why you used an extra thread combined with Promise?


it'll block thread in your thread pull. If you have a configured ExecutionContext for such futures it's fine, but default ExecutionContext contains as many threads as you have processors.


future { jfuture.get } 有什么问题?在 future 中阻塞与手动创建新线程并在那里阻塞不一样吗?如果不是,那有什么不同?


future { jfuture.get }future { future { jfuture.get }} 几乎没有区别。


使用 jfuture.get,您将阻塞 1 个线程。

假设您有 8 个处理器。我们还假设每个 jfuture.get 需要 10 秒。现在创建 8 个 future { jfuture.get }

val format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").format(_: Date)

val startTime = new Date
(1 to 8) map {_ => future{ Thread.sleep(10000) }}
  println(s"2+2 done. Start time: ${format(startTime)}, end time: ${format(new Date)}")

// 2+2 done. Start time: 20:48:18, end time: 20:48:28

10 秒对于 2+2 评估来说有点太长了。

所有其他 future 和同一执行上下文中的所有 actor 将停止 10 秒。


object BlockingExecution {
  val executor = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(new ForkJoinPool(20))

def blockingFuture[T](f: => T) = {
  future( f )(BlockingExecution.executor)

val startTime = new Date
(1 to 8) map {_ => blockingFuture{ Thread.sleep(10000) }}
  println(s"2+2 done. Start time: ${format(startTime)}, end time: ${format(new Date)}")

// 2+2 done. Start time: 21:26:18, end time: 21:26:18

您可以使用 new Thread(new Runnable {... 实现 blockingFuture,但额外的执行上下文允许您限制线程数。

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