javascript - 如何检测已加载新内容以响应滚动触发器?

标签 javascript facebook greasemonkey tampermonkey

我在 Facebook 上运行一个脚本,要求我在我的“ friend ”窗口中获取人们的 ID(这可能不是完成此特定任务的最有效方法,但因为我想知道如何一般来说,这是一个很好的例子)。

这意味着如果我的好友数量较多,我必须向下滚动 Facebook 才能将他们添加到页面。

我添加了将页面向下滚动到页脚的逻辑,但我不知道如何强制获取 ID 的函数在内容加载后运行。

现在,我已经使用了 setTimeout 几秒钟 - 显然,这不能保证在适当的时间,所以我想知道如何正确地做到这一点:

var k;
function doit(){

    k = document.getElementsByClassName("_698");

    var g=;
    // the confirm is just to make sure it's working 
    // (if i don't use setTimeout it'll return a smaller number 
    //  since not all the friends were included)


window.addEventListener("load", function(){ 
  document.getElementById( "pageFooter" )


Crayon Violent 在 his answer to JavaScript detect an AJAX event 中详细介绍了如何完成此操作.诀窍是 Hook 底层 XMLHttpRequest 对象,以便检测何时发送请求。


// Hooks XMLHttpRequest to log all AJAX requests. 
// Override ajaxHook.requestCompleted() to do something specific 
// in response to a given request.
var ajaxHook = (function()
   // we're using a self-executing function here to avoid polluting the global
   // namespace. The hook object is returned to expose just the properties 
   // needed by client code.
   var hook = { 
     // by default, just logs all requests to the console. 
     // Can be overridden to do something more interesting.
     requestCompleted: function(xmlHttp, url, method) { console.log(url); } 

   // hook open() to store URL and method
   var oldOpen =; = function(method, url)
      this.hook_method = method;
      this.hook_url = url;
      oldOpen.apply(this, arguments);

   // hook send() to allow hooking onreadystatechange
   var oldSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
   XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function()
      var xmlhttp = this;

      //hook onreadystatechange event to allow processing results
      var oldReadyStateChange = xmlhttp.onreadystatechange;
      xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()
         oldReadyStateChange.apply(xmlhttp, arguments);

         if ( this.readyState === 4 ) // completed
              xmlhttp.hook_url, xmlhttp.hook_method);

      oldSend.apply(this, arguments);

   return hook;


var k;
function doit()
    k = document.getElementsByClassName("_698");

    var g=;

window.addEventListener("load", function()
   ajaxHook.requestCompleted = function(xmlhttp, url, method)
      // is this the request we're interested in? 
      // (Facebook appears to load friends from a URL that contains this string)
      if ( /AllFriendsAppCollectionPagelet/.test(url) ) 
         // Facebook defers rendering the results here, 
         // so we just queue up scraping them until afterwards
         setTimeout(doit, 0); 

  // trigger loading of more friends by scrolling the bottom into view
  document.getElementById( "pageFooter" )

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