javascript - 如何将现有的 Istanbul 尔 json 文件转换为 html

标签 javascript code-coverage istanbul remap-istanbul

我想将从客户端获取的 JSON 格式的 istanbul 覆盖率报告文件转换为 html 格式。目前我正在为此使用 remap-istanbul 但实际上那个特定的特定工具旨在重新映射最初用不同语言(如 typescript )编写的代码的覆盖率数据。



使用 istanbul report html 将现有的覆盖率数据从 JSON 转换为 HTML:

istanbul report html

默认情况下,上面的代码会在当前目录(及其子目录)中查找任何以“coverage”开头并以“.json”结尾的文件,并将 HTML 报告输出到 ./coverage/目录。


istanbul report --include path/to/my-coverage-file.json --dir my-coverage-dir html

另一种仅从特定目录(例如 path/to 中的所有 JSON 文件)读取覆盖率报告的方法如下,使用 --root 选项:

istanbul report --root path/to --include=*.json --dir my-coverage-dir html

使用istanbul help report查看更多选项(以下是用istanbul 0.4.5生成的):

Usage: istanbul report <options> [ <format> ... ]

Options are:

      --config <path-to-config>
              the configuration file to use, defaults to .istanbul.yml

      --root <input-directory>
              The input root directory for finding coverage files

      --dir <report-directory>
              The output directory where files will be written. This defaults
              to ./coverage/

      --include <glob>
              The glob pattern to select one or more coverage files, defaults
              to **/coverage*.json

      --verbose, -v
              verbose mode

<format> is one of 
      clover  XML coverage report that can be consumed by the clover tool
              XML coverage report that can be consumed by the cobertura tool
      html    Navigable HTML coverage report for every file and directory
      json    prints the coverage object as JSON to a file
              prints a summary coverage object as JSON to a file
      lcov    combined lcovonly and html report that generates an
              file as well as HTML
              lcov coverage report that can be consumed by the lcov tool
      none    Does nothing. Useful to override default behavior and suppress
              reporting entirely
              report with system messages that can be interpreted with TeamCity
      text    text report that prints a coverage line for every file, typically
              to console
              lcov coverage report that can be consumed by the lcov tool
              text report that prints a coverage summary across all files,
              typically to console

 Default format is lcov unless otherwise specified in the config file. In
 addition you can tweak the file names for various reports using the config
 file. Type `istanbul help config` to see what can be tweaked.

--input 的值是一个 glob 模式。有关 glob 模式的更多文档,请参阅 documentation at the glob package on NPM .

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