javascript - 将 从 Webpack 1 更新到 4

标签 javascript reactjs webpack webpack-4

对于开源站点,ReForum ,我正在尝试将站点更新为最新组件(即:webpack 4、react 16 等)。我从babel入手,顺利升级。然后转移到webpack。我花了 10 多个小时尝试各种配置,直到我最终使用以下命令编译它:

 * module dependencies for webpack dev configuration
 * Proper webpack dev setup:

const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');

// define paths
const nodeModulesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules');
const buildPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../public', 'build');
const mainAppPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../frontend', 'App', 'index.js');
const sharedStylesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../frontend', 'SharedStyles');
const componentsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../frontend', 'Components');
const containersPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../frontend', 'Containers');
const viewsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../frontend', 'Views');

 * webpack development configuration
module.exports = {
  mode: 'development',
  target: 'web',
  devtool: 'inline-source-map',

  entry: [

  output: {
    filename: 'bundle.js',
    path: buildPath,
    publicPath: '/build/',

  plugins: [
    new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
      // Options similar to the same options in webpackOptions.output
      // both options are optional
      filename: '[name].css',
      chunkFilename: '[id].css',
    new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        use: [ 'babel-loader' ],
        exclude: [nodeModulesPath],
        test: /\.(sa|sc|c)ss$/,
        use: [
          // 'postcss-loader',
          { loader: 'postcss-loader',
            options: {
              sourceMap: true,
              plugins() {
                return  [autoprefixer('last 5 version')];
              // plugins: () => [require('autoprefixer')({
              //   'browsers': ['> 1%', 'last 5 versions'],
              // })],
      { test: /\.(png|jpg)$/, use: ['url-loader?limit=8192'] },
      { test: /\.svg$/, use: ['url-loader?limit=10000&mimetype=image/svg+xml'] },

  resolve : {
    // automatically resolve file extensions (ie import File from '../path/file')
    extensions: ['.js', '.css'],
    // alias to call specified folders
    alias: {
      SharedStyles: sharedStylesPath,
      Components: componentsPath,
      Containers: containersPath,
      Views: viewsPath,

Original Webpack 1 dev config

但是,React 元素类名消失了,阻止了样式的应用。它应该是这样的:




此外,头部现在有多个 <style> .

Multiple Unknown styles


仅供引用,我能够让 postcss-loader 运行的唯一方法是将它变成一个对象。它会失败并出现诸如“错误:在...中找不到 PostCSS 配置”之类的错误

更新 1:

尝试了@noppa 和@Alex Ilyaev 的以下建议,但没有奏效。

        test: /\.(sa|sc|c)ss$/,
        use: [
          // 'css-loader',
            loader: 'css-loader',
            options: {
              modules: true,
              loaders: true,
              importLoaders: 1,

          // 'postcss-loader',
          { loader: 'postcss-loader',
            options: {
              sourceMap: 'inline',
              options: {
                ident: 'postcss',
                plugins: (loader) => [


如果您使用的是 Webpack 4,请从无配置文件开始 - 没错 - 无配置文件。 WP4 包括合理的默认设置,因此您的大多数与 webpack 无关的问题都会在那里出现。

关于多样式 block ,需要切换到mini-css-extract-plugin (不支持 HMR)或 extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin (支持 HMR)。

另外请注意,在开发模式下,您会看到多个样式 block (用于 HMR)。但是生产构建不应该有多个样式 block 。

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