javascript - Sencha Touch 中的嵌套面板/工具栏

标签 javascript mobile sencha-touch extjs

我正在尝试创建一个常量底部工具栏,它控制其上方的面板。然后它上面的面板应该有一个自己的工具栏(在顶部)。我已经尝试了下面的代码,它几乎可以工作,但是我看不到子页面内部面板的 html。我认为这是因为面板没有占据剩余的高度,但我不知道为什么。


    onReady: function() {

    // Sub-page sections
    var blah = {
        style: "background-color: #B22222; color:#FF0000;",
        title: "one",
        html: "Why can't I see this html",
        flex: 1
    var blah2 = {
        style: "background-color: #404040; color:#000000;",
        title: "one",
        html: "Why can't I see this html",
        flex: 1

    // Main portion of the page, which includes top toolbar and content
    var page1 = new Ext.TabPanel({
        dock: "bottom",
        layout: "card",
        items: [blah, blah2, blah],
        title: "one",
        flex: 1

    // This is the outer panel with the bottom toolbar
    var wrapper = new Ext.Panel({
        fullscreen: true,
        items: page1,
        dockedItems: [
            xtype: "toolbar",
            dock: "bottom",
            items: [
                iconMask: true,
                iconCls: "download"
                iconMask: true,
                iconCls: "favorites"
                iconMask: true,
                iconCls: "search"
                iconMask: true,
                iconCls: "user"


听起来您尝试做的事情可以使用 TabPanel 而不是工具栏来完成。当您将 tabBar 停靠在底部时,每个 tabButton 都可以接受一个图标。


    onReady: function() {

        // Sub-page sections
        var blah = {
            style: "background-color: #B22222; color:#FF0000;",
            title: "one",
            html: "Why can't I see this html",
        var blah2 = {
            style: "background-color: #404040; color:#000000;",
            title: "one",
            html: "Why can't I see this html",

        // Main portion of the page, which includes top toolbar and content
        var page1 = new Ext.TabPanel({
            items: [blah, blah2, blah],
            title: "one",
            iconMask: true,
            iconCls: "download",

        // This is the outer panel with the bottom toolbar
        var wrapper = new Ext.TabPanel({
            fullscreen: true,
            tabBar: {
                dock: 'bottom',
                layout: {
                    pack: 'center'
            items: [
                    iconMask: true,
                    iconCls: "favorites"
                    iconMask: true,
                    iconCls: "search"
                    iconMask: true,
                    iconCls: "user"

我制作了关于 building a user interface in sencha touch using tabs and toolbars 的截屏视频.有一个 live demo , 和 code is on github ,所以请随意使用它作为引用。

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