java - 具有不同 getters setter 的未知子类型的通用配置

标签 java android generics design-patterns data-binding


  • 我认为以下方法可行,但它是否足够好/它可能存在什么问题?
  • 或者针对此问题是否有更好的方法/甚至已建立的设计模式?

允许通用配置的父类(super class)

public abstract class ParametrizerBase<P1, P2> {
    public P1 Param1;
    public P2 Param2;


public class SomeConcreteClass extends ParametrizerBase<Boolean, String> {
    public SomeConcreteClass(Boolean enabled, String task){
        Param1 = enabled;
        Param2 = task;
    // ... does something with the parameter data


public class AnotherConcreteClass extends ParametrizerBase<Integer, Date> {
    public AnotherConcreteClass(Integer numberOfItems, Date when){
        Param1 = numberOfItems;
        Param2 = when;
    // ... does something with the data it holds


    ArrayList<ParametrizerBase> list;

    public void initSomewhere() {
        SomeConcreteClass some = new SomeConcreteClass(true,"Smth");
        AnotherConcreteClass another = new AnotherConcreteClass(5, new Date());
        list = new ArrayList<ParametrizerBase>();

    public void provideDataElsewhere() {
        for (ParametrizerBase concrete : list) {
            String param1Type = concrete.Param1.getClass().getName();
            if (param1Type.contains("Boolean")) {
                 Boolean value = concrete.Param1;
                 // Now could let user modify this Boolean with a checkbox 
                 // and if they do modify, then write it to concrete.Param1 = ...
                 // All without knowing what Param1 is (generic configuration)
            } else if (param1Type.contains("Integer")) {
                 Integer value = concrete.Param1;
                 // ...
            } // ...
            // Same for Param2 ...


使用 Java 接口(interface)来描述 getter 和 setter。让所有的具体类实现这个接口(interface)。将对象转换为接口(interface)类型,并根据需要调用 getter 和 setter。

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