python - 如何使用 numpy.random.rand 设置生成点的最小距离约束?

标签 python numpy random distribution correlation



def pointRun(number, dr):
Compute the 3D pair correlation function
for a random distribution of 'number' particles
placed into a 1.0x1.0x1.0 box.
## Create array of distances over which to calculate.   
    r = np.arange(0., 1.0+dr, dr)

## Generate list of arrays to define the positions of all points,
##    and calculate number density.
    a = np.random.rand(number, 3)
    numberDensity = len(a)/1.0**3

## Find reference points within desired region to avoid edge effects. 
    b = [s for s in a if all(s > 0.4) and all(s < 0.6) ]

## Compute pairwise correlation for each reference particle
    dist = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(a, b, 'euclidean')
    allDists = dist[(dist < np.sqrt(3))]

## Create histogram to generate radial distribution function, (RDF) or R(r)
    Rr, bins = np.histogram(allDists, bins=r, density=False)

## Make empty containers to hold radii and pair density values.
    radii = []
    rhor = []

## Normalize RDF values by distance and shell volume to get pair density.
    for i in range(len(Rr)):
        y = (r[i] + r[i+1])/2.
        x = np.average(Rr[i])/(4./3.*np.pi*(r[i+1]**3 - r[i]**3))

## Generate normalized pair density function, by total number density
    gr = np.divide(rhor, numberDensity)
    return radii, gr



这是一个使用 numpy 的可扩展 O(n) 解决方案。它的工作原理是先指定点的等距网格,然后通过一定量扰动点,使点之间的距离最多保持 min_dist

您需要调整点数、框形状和扰动灵敏度以获得您想要的 min_dist


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# specify params
n = 500
shape = np.array([64, 64])
sensitivity = 0.8 # 0 means no movement, 1 means max distance is init_dist

# compute grid shape based on number of points
width_ratio = shape[1] / shape[0]
num_y = np.int32(np.sqrt(n / width_ratio)) + 1
num_x = np.int32(n / num_y) + 1

# create regularly spaced neurons
x = np.linspace(0., shape[1]-1, num_x, dtype=np.float32)
y = np.linspace(0., shape[0]-1, num_y, dtype=np.float32)
coords = np.stack(np.meshgrid(x, y), -1).reshape(-1,2)

# compute spacing
init_dist = np.min((x[1]-x[0], y[1]-y[0]))
min_dist = init_dist * (1 - sensitivity)

assert init_dist >= min_dist

# perturb points
max_movement = (init_dist - min_dist)/2
noise = np.random.uniform(
    size=(len(coords), 2))
coords += noise

# plot
plt.scatter(coords[:,0], coords[:,1], s=3)

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