python - 哪些 python SOAP 库仍在维护?

标签 python soap

StackOverflow 上有很多关于 python SOAP 客户端的问题。然而,他们都是3岁以上。

问题是目前正在积极维护哪些 python SOAP 客户端库?

我找到的唯一一个是 PySimpleSOAP .还有其他的吗?



zeepPyPi 中带文档 here


我本来打算发布 2016 年的更新请求,因为看起来上面的一些内容现在也不再关注了。

根据 Python WebServices有许多 SOAP 客户端:

ZSI (Zolera Soap Infrastructure) - a version of the actively maintained Python Web Services project; ZSI-2.0 Released on 2007-02-02 provides both client and server SOAP libraries. Newly added was proper WSDL consumption of complex types into python classes.

soaplib - Soaplib is an easy to use python library for writing and calling soap web services. Webservices written with soaplib are simple, lightweight, work well with other SOAP implementations, and can be deployed as WSGI applications.

suds - Suds is a lightweight SOAP python client that provides a service proxy for Web Services.

pysimplesoap - PySimpeSoap is a simple and functional client/server. It goals are: ease of use and flexibility (no classes, autogenerated code or xml is required), WSDL introspection and generation, WS-I standard compliance, compatibility (including Java AXIS, .NET and Jboss WS). It is included into Web2Py to enable full-stack solutions (complementing other supported protocols as XML_RPC, JSON, AMF-RPC, etc.).

osa - osa is a fast/slim easy to use SOAP python client library.

Ladon Ladon is a multiprotocol approach to creating a webservice. Create one service and expose it to several service protocols including SOAP. Unlike most other Python based SOAP Service implementations Ladon dynamically generates WSDL files for your webservices. This is possible because the parameter types for each webservice method are defined via the ladonize decorator. Furthermore it should be mentioned that Ladon offers python 3 support.

zeep - Zeep is a modern (2016) and high performant SOAP client build on top of lxml and requests. It's compatible with Python 2 and 3.

截至撰写本文时(2016 年底),其中大部分似乎已经过时(仅支持 SOAP1.1),并且根据提交历史记录,自 2015 年甚至更早以来就没有维护过。这尤其适用于 ZSIosasuds

唯一的异常(exception)似乎是 zeep,它在 2016 年底得到积极维护,提供 SOAP1.2 支持(以及所有 Python 版本)——至少在我的情况下,它完美地工作于从我向它扔一些 WSDL 的那一刻起,它就出现了。

更新:虽然我不打算返回并不断编辑此页面(我会邀请 zeep 的作者这样做),但我想补充说,在我上次更新 2 年后 zeep 仍然非常积极地维护,最近一次提交是在 2018 年 12 月。它支持 Python 到 3.7,目前的版本是 3.2.0(离开了 0.x很久以前的预发布版本)。在我必须使用 XML-SOAP 而不是 REST 的极少数情况下,它仍然是我的主要库。

zeepPyPi 中带文档 here

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