Python 约定 : function constructor for a private class

标签 python design-patterns

我在 Python 的线程模块源代码中注意到了这一点:

def Event(*args, **kwargs):
  return _Event(*args, **kwargs)

class _Event(_Verbose):

我是否正确地假设这是在其他语言中模仿“密封”类 (c#) 或“最终”类 (java) 的尝试?这是 Python 中的常见模式吗?在 Python 中是否有任何其他方法可以解决此问题?


我不喜欢这种标识符的选择。类名通常以大写字母开头,因此您认为可以说 isinstance(x, Event),但实际上不能。我认为像 make_event 这样明确地将函数标识为函数的名称会更好。

这个问题已经discussed在邮件列表中,BDFL states :

This started out as an experiment in API design, where I tried to make things look as much like the similar Java API as possible (I didn't want to invent yet anotherwobbly wheel). I specifically wanted these not to be classes so that people wouldn't start subclassing them. At the time PEP-8 wasn't well established (if at all) and I wanted the factory functions to look like classes. I think in 2.7 / 3.1 we can change the factory functions to conform to PEP-8 (leaving the old names in for a couple of release).


当您说引入这些工厂函数是为了模仿密封类时,您说得对。 BDFL says

Allowing them to be subclassed makes it harder to replace them on some platforms with equivalent but faster implementations.


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