使用 xcode 命令行工具提交 iOS 应用商店

标签 ios xcode

我读过各种文章,解释如何使用 xcode 打包的命令行工具构建和归档 iOS 应用程序。


编辑以下评论:我希望避免使用 GUI,因为我有多个类似的应用程序,因此我希望编写更新过程脚本以使其更快(更少的手动操作)。



You can now use Transporter, Apple's command-line delivery tool, to deliver localized App Store metadata in bulk, including screenshots, rights and pricing, and more. Transporter can also find metadata for your existing apps so you can see how to correctly format the XML. To learn more about using Transporter and providing metadata, download the Transporter User Guide and the App Metadata Specification from the Manage Your Apps module in iTunes Connect.

来源:Apple News and Announcements for Developers; Aug 22, 2013

关于使用 xcode 命令行工具提交 iOS 应用商店,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17512160/


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