java - Java中从哈希表的值中检索键

标签 java collections dictionary hashtable


public class KeyFromValueExample
public static void main(String args[]) 
Hashtable table = new Hashtable();
        table.put("Sony", "Bravia");
        table.put("Samsung", "Galaxy");
        table.put("Nokia", "Lumia");
System.out.println("does hash table has Lumia as value : " + table.containsValue("Lumia"));
        System.out.println("does hash table Lumia as key : " + table.containsKey("Lumia"));

        //finding key corresponding to value in hashtable - one to one mapping
        String key= null;
        String value="Lumia";
        for(Map.Entry entry: table.entrySet()){
                key = entry.getKey();
                break; //breaking because its one to one map
        System.out.println("got key from value in hashtable key:  "+ key +" value: " + value);

//finding key corresponding to value in hashtable - one to many mapping
        table.put("HTC", "Lumia");
        Set keys = new HashSet();

        for(Map.Entry entry: table.entrySet()){
                keys.add(entry.getKey()); //no break, looping entire hashtable
        System.out.println("keys : " + keys +" corresponding to value in hash table:  "+ value);


does hash table has Lumia as value : true
does hash table has Lumia as key : false
got key from value in hashtable key:  Nokia value: Lumia
keys : [Nokia, HTC] corresponding to value in hash talbe:  Lumia



这看起来很明显它对我做了什么。我不确定是否有更有效的方法,但也许如果您需要定期查找值来查找键,那么您使用的映射类型是错误的。我建议您将值转换为键并制作 Map<String, Set<String>>相反

关于java - Java中从哈希表的值中检索键,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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